The Four Outkasts

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Yugi Motou let out a bored sigh as he walked down the sidewalk of Domino City. His blonde bangs continued to hit him in the face as the wind blew through its black star-shaped base and amethyst tips. This initially caused him to shiver as he tucked himself into the collar of his blue school jacket. It was fall and school had started up once more. Red, orange, and yellow leaves fell at his feet as he looked up at the big trees that grew more bald everyday. A part of him felt content as he watched the leaves falling as he walked passed many other shops around town.

It had only been a few minutes since he had left the Kame Game Shop, and already he was being surrounded by fellow students from Domino high. None of them seemed to notice his presence though as he continued to slip through the crowd. Considering how small he was, getting through the rapidly growing group of students was pretty easy. 

Once Yugi thought he had escaped from the crowd by going through the gates, he was yanked back into the chest of someone random. He squeaked as he felt someone ruffle up his hair, before squirming to get out of the person's grasp.

"Hey, Yug'!" exclaimed a boisterous blonde behind him.

Yugi flushed as he was let go, and he turned and glared up at the blonde.

Jounouchi Katsuya was considered to be one of Yugi's best friends at Domino high. The blonde held hazel eyes and was obviously taller than the poor boy.

"Jou! You messed up my hair!" he whined softly as he fixed his wild mane.

Jou snickered and nudged Yugi.

"You're such a girl," he joked with a wide grin.

"Says the one who wore girl clothes to play the role of Aurora for the Sleeping Beauty Play last year," Yugi scoffed with a smirk.

Jounouchi flushed red and rolled his eyes as he looked away embarrassed.

"It was for theatre..." he trailed off, embarrassed.

"Are you sure? You seemed really into it," Yugi smirked deviously, "I even have some videos and pictures of the whole event."

Jou's face turned even redder as he looked around embarrassed even more.

Yugi laughed and smiled before shaking his head and nudging the other with his shoulder.

"I was just kidding, Jou," he said with a wide grin, "Besides! You looked great with a dress on!"

Jounouchi's face got redder as he shook his head and lightly punched Yugi's shoulder.

"Yug'! I'm a guy for god's sake! That's not a compliment!" he exclaimed, flustered as Yugi giggled softly, "I swear... you can have a really twisted sense of humor..."

Yugi laughed and smiled as he nudged Jounouchi playfully.

"I knew I recognized that annoying laugh and squeak from somewhere!" a voice exclaimed from down the hall.

The boys turned their heads to see Malik Ishtar. A sandy blonde with light tan skin. His lilac eyes holding a happy and mischievous glimmer in them.

Yugi grinned as he ran and tackled Malik in a hug.

"It's been too long, Mal!" Yugi said with a grin as he pulled away.

Jounouchi grinned as he caught up and hugged Malik as well.

"It's like middle school all over again," Jounouchi said with a laugh, "Oh man! I'm excited for the pranks this year! Aren't you?"

"Hell yeah!" Malik exclaimed with a grin as he pulled out a notebook, "I even created a list for the chaos over the summer!"

Jounouchi's eyes widened as he pulled out a notebook as well. The words "PRANKS FOR THIS YEAR" were written sloppily in bold on it as he held it out to Malik.

"You too?" he exclaimed with a grin.

"Bro!" Malik gasped.

"Bro!" Jounouchi exclaimed as they both engaged in a handshake.

Yugi sighed and shook his head.

"This year is going to be crazy," he said to himself.

"You can say that again, Yugi," a soft voice said from the side.

Yugi jumped and looked to the side to see a dough brown eyed albino next to him. Ryou Bakura. At that moment, Yugi felt his eyes widen as he moved and hugged the other student.

"Ryou!" he yelled excitedly as he hugged him.

Ryou laughed as he hugged back, and turned his gaze to Jounouchi and Malik.

"I see you guys are ready for the new school year," he said, motioning toward the notebooks.

Malik grinned as he and Jou both walked over to join the hug.

"Don't worry," he said, "Your precious instruments won't get harmed this time."

"They better not," Ryou said as he eyed the other suspiciously.

Last year, Malik and Jou had the great idea to have a prank war, both managing to stay out of trouble with the teachers. But in the middle of the chaos, the boys had managed to splash blue paint all over Ryou's piano. Luckily, Ryou wasn't that upset, and the albino ended up using it as an art project. He had splashed multiple colors on the musical instrument, causing it to look like a collage of a sunset and the ocean. It turned out really beautiful, and Ryou ended up getting an A for the project idea.

As they parted from one another, the quad began to grin wildly.

"Let's do this!" they cheered as they placed their fists in the middle, and group fist bumped. 

To Be Continued...

Gabby: Yups! So, that's all for the first chapter of Outkasts! This is actually a story I would like to stay consistent with, so hopefully you guys enjoy this one more. Do not worry, I am planning on updating everyday. Each chapter, I will try to make a bit more longer. Thank you! Anyway! I own nothing! And the characters belong to their rightful owner(s). Thank you!

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