The Only Way

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The pouring rain gradually shifts into a slight drizzle as Steven leans into the bushes behind him, his arms folded. He tilts his head towards the sky and he closes his eyes, allowing the pellets of water to land on his face.

The darkness in his perception fades from the light of a monitor in a location Steven has recently been to nearly a couple hours before Lapis found him. Peridot sneers at him on the screen. "Remember, Steven. Remember the deal." She narrows her eyes. "I'm watching you."

Outside his daydream, Steven's lips quiver. A rustle in the bushes jolts him awake, gasping...panting. Steven bends his head down towards the grass to see a mechanical sphere standing in front of him, the camera lens focused directly on him.

Steven bites his lip as he turns his head to the bushes, griping the collar of his shirt. His eyes lock back on the robonoid for a moment. He focuses back on the bushes as he turns his back to the robonoid. He pushes through the bushes and he steps onto the other side.

Lapis is sitting in the patch of grass, tracing a finger in front of her to manipulate the rain as it drips down. She connects two raindrops together--and she splits them apart. She puts her finger down as she spots Steven standing in front of the tall bush. "Steven."

Steven turns his head back to the bushes for a moment. Lapis raises an eyebrow as Steven faces his companion. "Is something wrong?" Steven shoves his hands in his pants pockets, casting his eyes down on the grass. "No. It's just..." His voice trails off as Lapis sighs.

"Steven, if you're worried about me, I'm fine." Lapis grunts as she struggles to get back on her feet. "I mean, Pearl and Garnet may have been a bit harsh on me." She winces as she struggles to balance herself. "But they let me go." Lapis exhales as Steven steps up to her. "I don't know how...or why, but...they gave me a chance to leave."

Steven bends his head down as Lapis places her hands on his shoulders. "Listen, I appreciate everything that you have done for me, Steven." Steven lifts his head up to look Lapis in the eye. "But...this isn't your place. Your place is with the Crystal Gems, not me." Steven's eyes widen as he gapes. "Wh-What?"

Lapis' eyes droop as she frowns. "I've been thinking about it ever since you took off. I mean, if I take you any further, you might-!" Steven scowls at her. "No. This IS my place." Lapis grits her teeth. "Steven, I know you want to go with me, but-!" Steven's face scrunches. "I'm doing this for you, Lapis!"

Lapis gapes as she takes a step back, her hands slipping right off Steven's shoulders. She embraces herself as she casts her eyes down on the grass. She closes her eyes and she bites her lip.

Steven reproaches her, taking a step forward as he places a hand to his chest. "I'm the one who broke you out of the mirror. I'm the one who got you out of that mess and I'm gonna be the one who will get you to Homeworld and I'm coming too!" Lapis presses a hand to her forehead.

Steven stands up straight and he turns his back to her. "I can't go back, Lapis. Not after...everything." Lapis opens her eyes and shifts them towards Steven. "But..." Lapis' forehead furrows. "There's gotta be another way." Steven's muscles tense up in front of Lapis. "Couldn't you just...apologize to them? I mean, my Diamond. She would take an apology for a minor mistake-!"

Steven whips his body back around to flash his glare towards Lapis, his arms outstretched. "Minor mistake?! Lapis, this isn't a minor mistake! The Gems are hunting us down for hurting them! If we let them catch me. Us!" Lapis gapes, raising an eyebrow. "If we let them catch us!" Steven growls. "Think about what will happen!"

Steven bends his head down, casting his eyes down on the grass through quivering lips. After a moment of tense silence, Lapis steps forward to set a hand on Steven's shoulder. "Steven, I-!"

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