Great Leaders

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Steven has really done it now. He still remembers being inside the temple standing amongst the fallen bodies of Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst next to the elusive Homeworld Gem. By warning Lapis, he has confirmed her escape. Once again, he is alongside her for the journey of a lifetime.

Steven floats across from Lapis in the tunnel of light of the warp with a downward curl in his lips. She stares at him for a minute before casting her eyes down, sighing. "You didn't have to do that you know." Steven folds his arms as Lapis continues.

"Why did you warn me?" Steven blinks his eyes. "Look, I just...I felt...ugh!" Steven facepalms, balling his other hand into a fist. Lapis' eyes droop as Steven turns his head to his left away from her. "I get it. You didn't want to feel guilty about all of this."

Steven narrows his eyes, staring off into space. "There's more to it than that." Lapis raises her eyebrow. "Like what?" Steven listens to the ringing of the light in his ears as he gives his response. "Lapis, ever since I was born, I've never gotten to know anyone that well other than my dad, Connie, Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst.

"I may have talked to some of the residents that lived there like Lars, Sadie, Buck, Jenny, Sour Cream, Kofi, Nanafua, Mr. Smiley, Mr. Fryman and Peedee, but I've never really felt that...connected with them as I do with you. I may be half human, but I'm a Gem too. I...I want to see your Homeworld."

Lapis' lips curl up as Steven turns his head back towards her. "But I'm also scared and I'm worried that the one Gem place in the entire universe isn't what you made it out to be." Lapis chuckles. "Hey, you may stand out, but look at me. I've been out of the game for five millenia and I'm just now coming back myself."

Steven's lips curl up just the same. "That is true." Lapis nods. "Besides, the Diamonds are very merciful and forgiving. I'm sure they'll understand why I was gone for so long. And once we get that straightened out, you can move in with me. The structures on Homeworld are absolutely breathtaking. You should've seen it in its hayday!"

Steven raises an eyebrow. "What was Homeworld like back then?" Lapis' eyes widen in her enthusiasm as she tells him the myths and legends of her Homeworld. "Homeworld is a beacon of light and fidelity for the Gems who serve the great almighty Diamond Authority sworn to protect its citizens and their virtues.

"A rebellion was sparked out of a simple misunderstanding with their policy which led to the devastating Gem War. Pink Diamond would still be there along with all of the Gems who were shattered in the clash had it not been for Rose Quartz's influence."

Steven's eyes narrow, his nostrils flaring. "My mom was doing what she thought was right, Lapis. She believed that Homeworld wasn't treating its citizens fairly enough, so she wanted to help them." Lapis groans, pressing her left hand to her forehead.

"You don't get it. It doesn't matter if Homeworld isn't being fair. What matters is that fact that we serve the Diamonds to help them protect us. We may be under a dictatorship, but that is what makes great leaders...great. Rose wasn't anything like that and that is why she lost."

Steven's eyes bulge, clenching his teeth. "Then how come I'm here?! Why are Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst still here instead of on Homeworld?!" Lapis bends her head down, staring in the direction of Steven's sandals.

"I don't know. But it must've been because of a secret agreement. A truce." Steven puts his right hand to his chin as he contemplates what could've happened between his mom and the Diamonds during the Gem War.

Lapis keeps to herself as she thinks back to the pleasant times she had on her Homeworld. Steven jolts as a thought slips through his mind. "Lapis!" He stretches out his arms and hands as Lapis gives her undivided attention.

The light fades as Steven and Lapis stand on the warp pad amongst a field of strawberries as far the eye can see. The duo gapes as Steven steps off the warp pad first. "Whoa. Hey, Lapis, I think we're in the Strawberry Battlefield from my serious mission."

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