Chapter 27 : Aftermath of the Battle.

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Author's note :
Changing Devil King to Demon Emperor.
Various things will be changed from here out like the rpg level system will be gone I will also work on editting the past chapters so a few things would be changed. Although it still exists it wont be referred to.

*Maescia's Perspective*
After the battle against the evil gods all the 10 Devils are currently gathered. After receiving the transmission from Jasmine, Lucifer told everyone of the 10 Devils to gather at Schalia's Castle.

"It seems we are gonna hold the walpurgis rather sooner than planned." (Sera)

"Everyone is gathered after all." (Belphina)

"Lets make haste and head for Vinasheim we dont want to make them wake too long after all." (Lucifer)

With Lucifer's words the four of them and Ciel head for the floating castle, Vinashiem the Castle of Guilt.
Arriving at Vinashiem they found the castle having a lot of damages everywhere. After looking around they located Satania and Schalia.

"You guys all right?" (Lucifer)

"Yeah it seems they retreated for some reason." (Schalia)

"You just missed them they left a bit before you came." (Satania)

"So anyone has an idea who they are?" (Maescia)

"No clue."
"No idea."

It seems no one knows who they are. They were surprisingly strong comparable to Lucie-san and the others. If I was alone I probably wouldnt be able to hold my own.

"It seems they called themselves Evil Gods." (Sera)

"So their Gods?" (Belphina)

As we were talking a voice came from behind us catching our attention.

"If you are speaking of them being the same as us you would be wrong." (?)

Looking behind us we saw Diablia there standing.

"So they arent Gods?" (Maescia)

"If you mean Gods like me then they arent Gods." (Diablia)

"So what are they? How come we havent heard of any strong people like them." (Lucifer)

I was wondering that as well just who are they and why dont Lucie-san and the others have any knowledge of them.

"They are a race from another world different from this world we call Gaea. They are from the Chaos World created by the Goddess of Chaos the Chief God's younger sister. While the Chief God Stickros represented Order his sister represented his opposite which is Chaos. Unlike Stickros who was able to create new elements by splitting his powers into several pieces which created me and the other Gods the Chaos Goddess did something different although what they did was similar unlike Stickros she couldnt separate her powers as she didnt govern over creation like stickros. She who governs over Chaos and Destruction simply changed her powers to create new elements in her world. Among this are what we like to call Chaos Elements. They are similar to the elements of our world like Fire,water, Wind, Earth,etc. but as they are from a different world their laws doesnt apply like our elements so elemental weaknesses are none existent when we use our elements against theirs instead we are suppressed by them as theirs originated from destruction and chaos unlike ours that no longer contain creation and order when divided.

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