Chapter 22 : Heading out into the city

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After preparing things needed to go to the city like money,etc. we then head out.
Along the way Lucia explained some of the customs and culture in this city.

"You guys came at good timing in a few days a festival will be held in the city. Honoring the world tree of this realm and Master's Family." (Lucia)

"Oh whats that about?" (Maescia)

" According to the records this world tree here was brought by the Ancestor of Master's Family they have been guarding this land for thousands of years but due to what happened years ago Master, Olivia Natura and her younger sister, Liana Natura were the only ones with the guardian family,Natura left in this land." (Lucia)

"What happened?" (Maescia)

"Well a hundred years ago master's clan went to war with another clan that used to reside in this land as well Im not clear on the specifics though but long story short both sides suffered casualties and the remaining members alive in the Natura clan was killed by they're enemies but during that time Master and her sister was traveling with Mom in another realm so the news didnt reach them." (Lucia)

"When my Mother and Master and her sister came back to the Demon Realm and got the news Master flew into a rage and used her powers that rivaled Demon Lords along with Mom and Master's Sister destroyed and obliterated the whole clan that was the time when my Master's title as the Demon Faerie became widespread and feared throughout the lands of the Demon Realm." (Lucia)

It was a sad story but stories like this could be found anywhere in this world even my past lives suffered stories even more despairingly like this but they pushed through and became legendary figures. But now that I think about it how come we can remember our past lives? And in the first place how did Grimelda die and her soul became part of the circle of reincarnation? I'll have to ask her the next time she wakes up.

"By the way where is Olivia-san's sister? I haven't seen her around the palace." (Maescia)

I asked her curiously.

"Master's younger sister went traveling after that event where master destroyed that clan and rebuilt her clan and constructed that city." (Lucia)

"So it was like that but why did she leave her sister that soon though." (Maescia)

Im kind of curious normally you would help your siblings to rebuild your own clan and from what I heard about her sister she isnt the sort of person who would not help her sister.

"Im not clear on the specifics all I know is that she left because of something important." (Lucia)

As we were chatting we eventually reached the city that the Demon Faerie, Olivia built.

"Although Daph-senpai probably welcomed you when you came let me say it once more. Welcome to the city inside the Demon Forest ,Elegard." (Lucia)

Lucia says with a smile on her face she must be proud of the city her Master built. But seeing it again it really looks amazing a city on trees fitting for a city in a forest I guess. Reminds me of a city in a novel I once read in my past life about a white haired eye patched boy who gone to place of beastkin and other demi-humans. It was a good story.

We then arrived at the city along the way we were greeted by the guards on patrol well mostly Lucia since Im not known here although they recognized me as one of the people Daph-san brought in yesterday.

"Good morning Lucia-sama you too little lady." (Civilian)

Said an old lady who was on her way home from the market that we walked by. It seems the people here really like Lucia.

"Good morning granny ^_^" (Lucia) (AN: I would name her but she isn't relevant to the story or is she? and its a pain to think of names xD)

I also greeted good morning after Lucia greeted they chatted for a while before we head on our way.

We first arrived at the world tree of this realm

"This tree can increase the strength of our demonic energy if you train in the hundreds of rooms created inside this world tree out of all the world trees is the most beneficial out of all of them." (Lucia)

We then went and strolled around the city as she gave me a tour around it we were greeted by the citizens of this city.

After strolling around the city we were starting to get hungry so we entered the famous resturant know for its food.

"The food here really was delicious it really hit the spot." (Maescia)

I said while holding my full tummy. After resting for a while we then got ready to go home but then we saw a little girl crying by the restaurant.

Lucia and me went up to the crying little girl and asked her whats wrong. It seems she was lost.

"Whats wrong little girl?" (Lucia) (An: I thought of pedo bear while writing this for some reason xD)

"I dont know where *sniff* mommy is." (Little Girl)

She says with tears streaming down her face. We then went around to look for her mother with her we also asked the guards to help with the search in the end we found her mother worriedly looking for her.

"This child where did you go?" (Mother)

She said with tears of joy on her face as she scolded her.

"I thank Lucia-sama and her friend for helping me locate my daughter." (Mother)

After excessively thanking us we then bid farewell and head back to the mansion.


Author's note:
For some reason I couldnt publish this for a few days :l

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