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The cashier had, had a terible day. Her manager had came out and yelled at her for 30 minutes straight for not getting there on time.

But it had been her job to get her son to school, after his father had to work extra hours. Money was going out fast.

Then, she saw the presumably young couple come in the store. The girl didn't turn her way, so she couldn't see her expression. The boy stared longingly after her.

But even so, she smiled. She waited and then the boy walked up to her. He looked down and then looked back up at her. She smiled widely. She could hardly keep her excitement in.

She did love young love.

She had asked the simply adorable young man if they were a couple. He looked rather depressed and his green eyes looked at her with some deep sadness.

Another friend-zoned one, she immediatley thought. Her smile dissapeared. He turned around and looked at the girl who looked back at him. Their eyes met. Then, she looked away.

''We're friends'', he peeped.

She honestly didn't know what to say. 

''Oh. Here's your ice-cream'', and she handed him the ice-creams. She watched as he walked back at his table.

After their little cute scene with the ice-cream, she smiled once again.

 Friend-zoned, my foot. They are definitely a couple,she thought.

When they left the shop, Ash felt happier than he had in years.

She looked at Ash. His gorgeous green eyes looked back at her. She gently curled her fingers around his hands. She looked at him and smiled. She wasn't going to regret this smile.

Ash laughed, ''You have some more ice-cream on your nose''.

She smiled, as he reached over and took it off with his finger. His skin was soft. It made her  get goosebumps.

''Your beautiful'', he said again. But now he said it with a new-earned strength. She shook her head, but a smile was still on her lips. 

''You really are'', he whispered and put an arm around her. And they walked in silence. The kind of silence that was beautiful. 

The sun smiled over them.

Ash was a bit afraid to hand her over. Look what had happened to her that morning. Who knew what her parents did to her. 

''You sure you'll be alright?'', he asked, a crease on his brow.

She laughed and nodded quickly. But inside, she wasn't so sure. He reached out a hand, hoping to hug her, but instead he reached for her hand and they shook. He watched as she walked away. She didn't look back.

Hey, at least they weren't mortal enemies anymore.

Later he went home, and sat down on the sofa thinking about what had just happened. The world started to blur around him, and he layed down on the cushions. He blinked twice and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

She really was beautiful.

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