11. The Only Mistake.-Pic of Vickki

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Chapter 11 of Forbidden Secrets.

Logan's pov

" Logan!" I heard someone shout. I opened my eyes looking around. " Lexie." I said weakly. Damn my dad most have gotten better. " She's fine." Krissy said hugging me.


A few hours later me, Bree, And Blake went shopping.

Lexie's pov

I ran into the bathroom vomiting again. Krissy looked at me. " Are you ok?" she asked. " Yeah-I'm fine." I said wiping the puke of my face. " Come here." Krissy said.

Krissy's pov

I placed my hand on Lexie's forehead as the memories came flooding in. I saw the club, making out and everything else.

" Lexie." I said. " Uh huh?" Lexie asked.

Lexie's pov

" If you don't mind me asking but, have you and my brother had any sexual activity?" Krissy asked.

I didn't know if I could trust her.

Krissy looked at me " you can trust me." Krissy said. " It's just I had this old boyfriend and-yah." I said. " You used protection right?" " Well. . . No." I said softly. " Hun, I think you might be pregnant." " What! No!" I said. Krissy looked at me " I can see things and you are pregnant. . . I'm sorry Hun." " Well, can you see somthing for me?" I asked "Don't worry my brothers the father if your wondering about that bastard Drew." " Ok." I said. I fell back on the bed.

Pregnant? I felt like crying.


A few sobs later Logan and every one went home besides me, Logan, Krissy, Zoe , Gavin, and Blake.

" Hello?" I said into my phone " Lexie! I'm so sorry!" Drew said " I want to break up." I could hear Drew getting pissed " I'll find you." Drew said. I shut my phone and shut it off. I was scared now.


Krissy, Gavin, Zoe, and Blake went down to get some food and other things.

I looked at Logan then, down at my belly. " Logan." I said. " Yeah?" " I'm pregnant." I said. Logan looked at me. "Oh my God." he said. " Are - are you sure?" he asked " Well I think I am I'm afraid to take one of those tests." I admitted " You need to, just to make sure." Logan said. " I know, it's just I'm scared. I'm only 16." I said tears running down my face. Logan wiped his thumbs wiping away the tears. Me and Logan pushed past Gavin. " Lexie it's not safe Seth wants you for somthing-" was all that came out of his mouth before the evaluator doors closed.

Me and Logan got in my car " Didn't think you could leave me did you?" Krissy said from the back. Logan chuckled.

Blake's pov

" Where's my sister?" I asked Gavin. " Shes fine she's with Krissy and Logan they went to the store." Gavin said. " Alright." I said sitting next to Zoe. She smiled. " Two months and no one even knows." Zoe whispered. " Yup." I said kissing her " But how do you stay so thin?" " Oh it's a wrap." Zoe said lifting up her shirt. " Ah I see." I said.

Lexie's pov

I waited with Krissy in Angel's bathroom. " How long can three minutes be?" I asked Krissy. She shurgged " You know if you are going to have sex you should think about protection." Krissy said " Not helping." I said " Sorry." " Oh my God." I said.

Angel's pov

I looked over at Lexie. " Sure I'll come." I said grabbing my bag. A really hot guy was sitting next to Lexie while Krissy drove. Damn I'll have to sleep with him later.

I walked into the hotel room and smiled hugging Blake " Hi Cousin." I said.

Lexie's pov

" Logan." I said looking up at him. " I'm pregnant, really pregnant." " Oh My God Lexie!" Logan said hugging me " But, it's ok because we can do this." I said looking at Logan. He smiled " Yea we can hide your pregnancy." I smiled " But, the problem is im two months in. Hmm I think I know the right person to ask." I said getting up.

" Zoe can you help me out?" I asked "Sure." Zoe said. " Do you have any wraps?" Zoe's face became alert " No! Why would I?" she said nervously. " Zoe please." " I don't have any and why would you need it?" " Don't tell my brother but, im pregnant." " Alright I have a wrap but, it's pretty small." Zoe said handing it to me " Thanks Zo!" I said hugging her.

I walked into my bathroom and wrapped it around my belly and clipped it I turned to the side and I looked normal.

I walked over to Logan and kissed him.

Zoe's pov

Wow my jerk ass brother got my best friend pregnant. I fell so bad for Bree. I mean she loved Logan! And here I hear Lexie is dating him! Poor Bree!

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