7. I Feel Like Such A Slut.- Pic Of Daniel

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Authors note: Daniel threw another party and Drew, Lexie, Bree and Logan ( Bree's boyfriend) walked back to Lexie's house and made out. While Zoe lied to Blake saying she took the pill but, really she didn't.

Chapter 7 of Forbidden Secrets.

Lexie's pov

My whole body ached as I sat up. I was sitting in my bathroom with a blanket over me. I sat up and Drew was passed out of the floor laying just in his boxers on the blanket. I wrapped the blanket around me as I climbed out of the tub walking into my room. I let the blanket fall as I put some clothes on. I walked through my door downstairs. Logan was sitting at the table. " Hi." I said to Logan. " Hey." Logan said. " Why are you up so early?" " It's 2 in the afternoon." " I know." " Jeez your friends aren't morning people are they?" " Nope not at all." I said. My stomach growled and I sighed.

The day I get thirsty Blake drinks all the blood.

" I'll be right back." I said to Logan as I walked upstairs. Blake was sleeping. I shook him " What?" Blake asked " Did you drink all the red bull?" " Huh we don't have any red bull." I flicked him " Red, red bull." I said " Oooohh!" " Well?" " "Oh no its in the basement." " We don't have a basement." "We don't?" " No." I said getting pissed at him. " Urg fine." Blake said getting up he walked to his dresser and dugged through his boxers drawer then pulled out a coke can. " This is coke." I said. " Is it?" Blake asked. " Oh wow, I would have never checked there." "Exactly." Blake said.

I opened the ' Coke a Cola' bottle and took a sip. I sighed. Yum.

I sat down on the couch with Logan. " So do you have any brothers or sisters?" I asked Logan " Nope." Logan said " Lucky Blake is such a ass sometimes." " Can I have some Coke?" "It's gone sorry." I said. " I can hear the liquid moving." " Wait what?" Logan chuckled "You can drop the act." Logan said propping his feet on the coffee table. " What act?" I saw Logan roll his eyes " I'm half vampire duh." Logan said. " Oh wow." I said. " Uh huh." Logan said looking through my brothers Xbox games.

" Really?" I asked as he putting Halo into the game system. "Yup, Me and my sister play this all the time." " Wait I thought you said-" Logan cut me off " Yea yea, She's a year younger than me." " Well, this is how I get rich." " How can you get rich from a game?" "Blake's such dumbass-" I was cut off " I am not a dumbass!" Blake yelled from the steps.

" Sorry we don't have a ex-" I started before Blake made one "Oh yeah I forgot about your power to make things." I said. " Both your asses are going down." Blake said. " You want to bet. . . And lose again?" I said. Logan laughed " I have twenty dollars." Logan said placing it In the middle. " I'll bet fifty." I said as I placed a fifty in " I only have a dollar." Blake said placing that in. " Seventy one dollars here I come." Logan said.

The game started and I sneaked up behind Blake and got him. " Aww my dollar!" Blake said. Logan and me burst out laughing. " Guys what's going on?" Zoe asked coming down the stairs. Logan looked away for a second and I took that second and I got Logan before he even turned around. " Damn." Logan said. I stuck out my tongue as I grabbed the seventy-one dollars. " That's how I get rich." I said as I walked upstairs.

I walked into my room and Drew was laying on my bed. " Damn Drew you look terrible." I said as I sat down next to him. " Uh I feel horrible." " Me too. Do you want a muffin?" " Aren't they your brothers?" "Yea and?" "Alright." Drew said.

I walked downstairs and grabbed two muffins. " My Muffins!" Blake yelled. " So childish." I said waving my hand and disappearing- right in front of Zoe and appearing in front of Drew. Shit. " Wow that was fast." Drew said grabbing the muffin from my hand.

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