Chapter 34: As The World Falls Down

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When Rin and Yukio finally met on the battlefield, the war reached a turning point.  Although nobody said it, everyone understood that the victor in this conflict between brothers would determine the outcome of the war.

The day was cloudy, with a constant drizzling of rain.  There was an electric current in the air, like lightning before it cracks across the sky.  The world seemed to be holding its breath on the outcome of the fight that had broken out in the empty clearing.  Everyone felt nervous and on edge.  The fighting was ferocious, almost panicked.  Both sides had suffered significant losses by the time the twin sons of Satan came face to face.  In that moment, everyone stilled, simply watching what was about to occur.

"Rin, this is your last chance.  Surrender and turn yourself in.  Nobody else needs to get hurt." Yukio sounded confident and composed, with none of the  indecision that had previously haunted him.

"What, so the Vatican can kill me? Are you out of your mind?  Besides, even if I did surrender, my people would still continue to be hurt by the actions of the Vatican and their exorcists.  They were on Assaiah long before humans, but have had to suffer for years because of your actions.  Many, especially those of the Seelie Court and the Lesser Demons never did anything against you.  They were at most a minor nuisance.  However, your Vatican didn't care for any of that.  They cast all of those who were strange and different into Gehenna.  I will never surrender.  I will never stop fighting for my people!" Rin's response was just as confident and firm.

"Then I have no choice but to kill you.  I am sorry that it has come to this, but you are obviously too far gone now." As Yukio spoke, he aimed a pistol at Rin and fired.  Rin dodged out of the way, causing the bullet to miss its intended target and graze the arm of an exorcist bystander.

"You missed, little brother.  Have you gotten rusty in my absence?" Rin taunted Yukio, knowing the exorcist prided himself on his perfect aim.

"Shut up!" Yukio continued to shoot and miss while Rin danced around the impromptu arena, taking several opportunities between shots to move in close and slice Yukio with his weapons.  This eventually forced Yukio to swap his guns for a blade and the two began to  trade blows.  It was clear that Rin was the better, more experienced fighter.  However, Yukio proved willing to take blows that allowed him to deal damage to Rin.  Those watching were ensnared by the deadly dance that was occurring before their eyes.  For what felt like hours, but was in reality under thirty minutes, the two traded blows.  Finally, they began to tire and their movements slowed.  While Yukio lost strength in his blows, Rin kept up the power behind his attacks, but was more careful and precise with his movements.  

Finally, Yukio tripped on a small divot in the ground, allowing Rin's blade to slash into his dominant shoulder.  This caused Yukio to drop his sword as he grasped his shoulder.  The had came away sticky with blood and when Yukio reached down to pick up his dropped weapon he was unable to firmly grasp it due to the pain in his arm and hand.  He next tried to pull out a gun and shoot at Rin, but his hands were shaking too badly due to pain.  Rin finished him off swiftly, refusing to prolong his suffering.  Amaimon could see the pain in his eyes, but it was quickly squashed down and replaced with fiery determination.  They had come too far to turn back now, and Yukio's death would allow them to finally win the war.  Although there would be some rogue elements who would eventually have to be rounded up or put down, peace was finally at hand.  A part of Rin felt that the last tie to his humanity had finally been severed, despite the fact that he had given up on his humanity long ago.  However, this was the last thing that could ever remind him of what had been and might have been.  Now, it was time to completely bury the past and look forward to the future, building a new and better world from the ashes of the old one.  As soon as the battle finished, Rin would take time to grieve for the brother he thought he knew and the many other lives that had been lost in this ridiculous conflict.  Tomorrow would be a day for tears, but tonight would be a night for celebration.

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