Where I Once Called Home

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After two centuries had passed in Gehenna, Satan approached Rin about returning to Asiah in order to try and come to an agreement with the exorcists.  Although neither of them expected the diplomatic solution to work, they felt that they at least needed to try before declaring war on the exorcists.  Rin had been spending the last 20 years speaking with the other races that the exorcists had exiled from Asiah.  Both Fay courts were willing to unite on this front, as they depended on human belief for their existence.  All three kingdoms were prepared to send one final delegation to the exorcists in the faint hope of reaching a peaceful solution.  Assuming such an agreement would never take place, the three kingdoms were also prepared to wage war on Assiah's exorcists and any others who would try to stand against them.

The delegation to the exorcists consisted of Rin and Amaimon for the Demon realm, Prince Dirk, oldest son of Queen Mahb, and Lord Aldin, a Vampire, both of the Unseelie Court, and Queen Titania, Princess Miri, and Puck of the Seelie Court.  Miri had taken a liking to both Rin and Amaimon, and tended to call them both Big Brother.  They used a Fay portal to enter Assiah at True Cross Academy and then strolled to Mephisto's office to arrange a meeting with the Vatican.

Mephisto was of course waiting for them. "I hope you had a pleasant trip," he greeted the group with a slight bow.

"It was fine.  How are the arrangements for the meeting going?" Rin returned the bow with a nod of acknowledgement.

"As well as can be expected.  The meeting was set to be held in two days time, but I received a message this morning that something has come up and it will have to be rescheduled for three days from now.  They have finally agreed to allowing the delegation into the Vatican fully armed, as they refuse to meet anywhere else or attend the meeting themselves unarmed.  We were also unable to limit the number of attendees on their side, so you will be greatly outnumbered." Mephisto apologetically explained the situation to the group.

"It's not like we were expecting anything else from those pathetic exorcists.  They only believe in fair play when they would otherwise be at a disadvantage." The Unseelie Prince's tone was bitter and angry.

"So what shall we do for the next three days?  You know if we were to leave and return they would simply change the meeting date and arrangements again." Titania was the voice of reason in their group.

The gleam in Mephisto's eye worried both Rin and Amaimon. "Well, we have an extra dorm that has already been prepared for your stay.  You are free to wander the grounds of the school and look in on or join any classes you wish, at either the regular or cram school." The last part was said with a pointed look towards Rin and Amaimon. "I am sure you will be able to find ways to amuse yourself, but I suggest you remain at True Cross, as the exorcists here have strict instructions to leave you alone.  Rin, could you please show your group to their lodgings?"

As the group turned to leave Mephisto gave Rin two keys, one to the dorm building, and one to the exorcist school.  With a scowl at his older brother, Rin silently led the group to their home for the next three days.

"So what are you going to do, Little Brother" Amaimon asked Rin after they had settled into their room.

"Yes, what are you going to do Big Brother?  Are you going to teach those meanies a lesson? Can I come? Pretty please?" Miri joined in to the conversation.  Rin had told her about the mean exorcist and exwires who used to be his friends and family before they abandoned him after he had found her crying one day because none of the other Seelie Fay children would play with her.

"I am not going to seek them out right now, but I am not going to avoid them either.  For now, let's go find a training room.  I need to beat something up." Rin remained nonchalant about the idea of meeting his former friends and brother.

"Fine.  But afterwards can we go get ice cream?" Amaimon replied, slightly disappointed that Rin was not going to go after his old classmates right away.

"Sure." Rin agreed, picking Miri up and letting her mother know where they were going before heading to one of the cram school's various gyms.

After a quick warm-up, Rin and Amaimon began to spar with Miri cheering them both on.  Nobody noticed when the door opened and Shura entered.  At first, she was shocked to see Rin again after two years and was preparing to jump in and help him defeat Amaimon.  However, she then noticed the little girl cheering the two demons on and realized that neither of them were damaging the other beyond minor scrapes and bruises.  As she settled in to watch the spar, her jaw began to drop as neither demon was holding back on the other.  Their attacks were swift and powerful, and Shura began to suspect that when she had fought Amaimon in the past he had actually been holding back and allowed her to beat him.  The idea was terrifying, as Amaimon was supposed to be the weakest of the Demon Kings and she was one of the best exorcists with a blade.

Amaimon was the first to notice Shura, with Rin not far behind.  They instantly halted their fight, and moved to stand between Miri and Shura.  Once Miri saw the exorcist, she ran over to Rin and jumped on his back.

"What do you want?" Rin spat out at the intruder.

"Rin! It really is you!  How long have you been back?  Yukio is going to flip when he sees you." Shura began rambling as she tried to hide her unease.

"What. Do you. Want?" Rin repeated with even more distaste in his voice.

Shura was finally beginning to realize that although this was undoubtedly Rin, he was no longer the Rin she had known. "I was just coming here for  some target practice when I saw you fighting.  I couldn't look away and ended up watching"

"Big Brother, who is this?" Miri piped up from Rin's shoulder.

"It's nobody Miri.  Just somebody that I used to think I knew." Rin answered icily.

"Yes.  Come on Little Brother, Miri-chan, let's go get some ice cream." Amaimon's reply was even more emotionless than usual as he strove to suppress his anger at this woman.

The trio swept from the gym, leaving a shocked Shura behind.  Unfortunately, their timing could not have been worse as the Exwire class was just getting out as they approached the door.  Fate, it seemed, had decided that it was time for the students to see what they had created.

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