How the Other Side Lives

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Over the next few weeks, Rin began to learn about life in Gehenna.  Each of his brothers took time to teach him about their various kin, and what they had to do as rulers.  He was invited to sit in on many of the meetings each Demon King had to attend and was even allowed and encouraged to give his input.  Sometimes, his ideas and solutions were even the ones chosen.

Rin also began attending his demon classes.  Unlike his previous experiences with school, in Gehenna for each regular class there was a physical class.  This allowed Rin to train his demon abilities and use up his energy between lectures.  His ability to concentrate and retain information skyrocketed.

Rin's lessons included the reading and writing in the demonic language, etiquette, politics, demon law, various forms of martial arts and weapons training, demon history, and various other topics.  On the days he did not have class, he was encouraged to spend time out in Gehenna, exploring and learning as he wished.

One of Rin's favorite places was the blacksmith's forge.  Here, he began to learn how to craft and mend his weapons.  After months of learning, the blacksmith helped Rin to forge a demon blade that was able to channel his blue flames and could cut through the air.  

Throughout Rin's lessons and exploring, he began to notice that Amaimon seemed to always be nearby.  Eventually, he cornered Amaimon and confronted him.

"Why do you keep following me Amaimon?"  Rin's voice was sharper than he had intended.

"You're interesting," was the demon's bland reply. "Besides, I'm your older brother.  It's my job to make sure you are okay and it is easier to do that when I always know where you are."

"If you want you can join me.  It would be nice to get to know you better and have another sparring partner.  Besides, it will be less awkward than you tailing me all the time and lurking around."

"Really?" A glimmer of excitement shone in Amaimon's eyes for a second.

"Of course.  Now, where should we go next Big Brother?"  Rin noticed that at his words, Amaimon seemed to straiten up slightly and there was a faint smile in his eyes.  Over time, he had been able to pick up more of the subtle changes that indicated Amaimon's emotions and moods.  Oddly enough, he was becoming even better at it than his older brothers who had spent hundreds of years around Amaimon.

A few weeks after Amaimon accepted Rin's invitation to hang out with him every day, Rin worked up the courage to ask Amaimon a question that had been bothering him for awhile.

"Amai-nii, when will I meet our father?  I've been here for almost a year and yet I have never even seen him, let alone spent time with him." There was a bit of sadness in Rin's voice.

"Are you ready to see father?  He has been trying to give you space since the last time you met he killed Father Fujimoto out of frustration and anger at how you had been treated."

"I would like to meet him.  Obviously, Gehenna is not what the exorcists claim it to be, and I can only assume that father is the same.  I keep wondering what he will be like and if I am making him proud with my studies."

"Do you want to meet him now?  I know that he really wants to meet you as soon as you feel ready." Amaimon asked with a tilt of his  head.

"Can I?"

"Sure, just follow me." Amaimon took Rin's hand and dragged him down a hallway Rin had never been in before.  At the end of the hall was a grand, ornate set of doors.  After nodding at the guards, Amaimon opened the doors into a large room.

The room was full of demons, many of whom Rin had been introduced to as members of the court.  At the far end of the room, sitting in a gold throne and wearing a crown, was the King of Gehenna.  The man appeared to be almost a mirror copy of Rin, but aged a few years.

"Father. . ." Rin's voice was hardly more than a whisper.

"Rin!  I am so pleased to finally meet you.  How are you liking Gehenna"

"It is good.  I understand so much more now than I ever did in school in Assiah.  It is also nice to have an actual family who cares about me and doesn't lie to me."

Rin and his father began to converse with each other.  Rin telling Satan about what he has been doing and learning and how he felt about Father Fujimoto's death and the way Yukio and his friends betrayed him.  Satan told him about his mother and ruling Gehenna.  Eventually, Rin's stomach began to rumble and the two made their way to the dining room where they were joined by Amaimon and some of Rin's other brothers.

That night, before Rin fell asleep, his father came in and wished him goodnight.  Repeating how happy was to finally have Rin home and how proud he was to be his father.  As Rin drifted off to sleep, his dreams were peaceful and full of love and his true family.  No thoughts of Yukio and the exwires haunted him.

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