Stand Your Ground

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I am so sorry for the long wait.  I was reading reviews and felt so guilty.  Thanks to those of you who have been patiently (or not patiently) waiting, and I hope you enjoy.


The Vatican was not happy with the news that Mephisto had brought them.  When Angel failed to answer their summons, they were forced to believe Mephisto's story.  Angel was removed as Paladin until a full investigation could be held, but the position was left empty.  

In Gehenna, Ayame was sent to stay with her nearest living kin and the nations prepared for war with the rogue exorcists.  Although the rulers agreed that those innocent of breaking the treaty, exorcist or otherwise, should remained unharmed, they refused to allow their people to be slaughtered.  And would make sure that protection was available to those who desired it.  Any incidents involving the death of a human or demon would be carefully investigated, and the guilty would fall under the punishment of whoever found them first.  No longer would the Demons, Seelie, nor Unseelie people remain afraid and threatened by this rogue group of exorcists.  If the attacks continued to escalate, the people of Gehenna would begin to actively seek out the enemy and destroy them.  And if the worst should happen and the Vatican sided with their own, then all-out war would be inevitable.  Rin, Amaimon, and Mephisto were put in charge of a group of humanoid citizens of Gehenna who would be able to blend in with the people of Assaiah.  These beings were trained to fight, but were loyal to the cause of coexistence between Assaiah and Gehenna.  They would be organized into protection for any travelling to Assaiah that desired it.

Unfortunately, this meant that Rin and Amaimon would be spending much more time in Assaiah than they had previously.  Rin knew that Yukio and his old classmates would refuse to leave him alone when they found out about his new post.  Honestly, they just didn't know how to take a hint.  No matter how many times he told them that he had long ago forgiven them and no longer cared about what they did, his old classmates and twin kept trying to return things to the way they were before he left.  Sadly, for them, Rin knew that things would never be the same.  He had changed far too much during his time in Gehenna, growing into the strong leader that he had always been capable of becoming once he was no longer being belittled and dragged down by everyone around him.  The other kept trying to treat him as the lazy, incompetent hot-head they remembered. This behavior drove Rin nuts and drove him to spending less and less time in Assaiah, especially near Japan and True Cross Academy.  

Although Amaimon enjoyed seeing Rin's discomfort, he also felt proud and almost possessive of the positive, affectionate attention he received from his little brother.  He was secure in knowing that he was Rin's favorite sibling, and Rin in turn had overtaken Mephisto's place as his.  It was also nice to be the protective big brother for once, taking care of Rin the way his older brothers had always taken care of him.  He wasn't looking forward to their assignment, as it sounded rather boring, but he wasn't dreading it either, since Rin would be there with him.  

The new lines had been drawn, and now both sides waited to see what the rogue exorcists would do next.  The exorcists  were contemplating which side of the war to join, while the people of Gehenna were wearily waiting to see what the Vatican's official response to the rising threat would be. Each was prepared to stand their ground and fight for their beliefs.  Only time could tell who would be victorious and what would emerge from the ashes of conflict.

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