Chapter 4 - Mini Gardens

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"Huh?" Both Nobita and Nobisuke looks confused.

"You said you wanted to fish some trout in the mountains, right? I have just the thing," Doraemon said as he rummage his three-dimensional pocket before he took out...

"Mini Garden Series: White Water Mountain," Doraemon introduced.

"'Mini Garden'? What am I supposed to do with that?" Nobisuke asked, confused.

Doraemon smiled as he flipped a button right below the mountain diorama.

"With just a flip of button, the water flows creating a mountain stream within seconds," he said.

Within 0,005 seconds since he flipped the button, the water streams has already creating an alluring, flowing sound.

Nobisuke watched in amazement while Nobita claps, exclaiming "Wow!"

Doraemon then took out from his pocket, a pocket of seeds.

"From here, we sprinkle some of these 'Instant-Grow Miniature Trout Eggs' right on the stream," he said, as he sprinkled the eggs inside the Mini Garden's running water.

"Then what happens next?" Nobita asked.

They all looked at the running water. But so far, nothing is happening.

"Huh? Nothing's happening. What's going on?" Nobisuke asked.

Doraemon took out a magnifying glass and take a look.

"Hmm... Let's see... Lookin' good," Doraemon nodded.

He looked at Nobisuke and said, "Dad, hurry and get your fishing gears ready!"



Nobisuke once again appeared at their room, but geared up with fishing equipment. "Well, I changed my clothes and all, but..."

"Now for the Small Light," Doraemon said as he pointed the Small Light towards Nobisuke.

With a flick of the switch, Nobisuke was downsized.

Doraemon then crouches down holding his round hand out towards Nobisuke.

"Climb my hand and hold on tight," he said.

Nobisuke obliged.

Withing seconds, Nobisuke was lifted off from the floor. He is scared as he's flying on air right now.

Finally, arrived at the Mini Garden, Doraemon lowered his hand, let Nobisuke off his hand, and lifted away.

In a flash, Nobisuke was surprised. He saw the trouts dancing in the streams.

And a lot of them. His eyes gleamed with happiness.

"This is incredible! And there are so many fishes! Yahoo!" Nobisuke exclaimed happily.

Doraemon lifted the Mini Garden and said, "Have lots of fun fishing."

"Thank you, Doraemon." Nobisuke shouted.

"It'll be bad if someone accidentally kicked it, so I'll put it right here," Doraemon said as he put the Mini Garden right at Nobita's desk.

"Hey... You said that it was part of the Mini Garden Series before, but do you have any other kinds of mountains?" Nobita asked.

"Of course. There are thousands of types," Doraemon answered.


"In fact, there's the rocky one for mount-climbing practice; a snowy one with various slopes for skiing; a hiking mountain for kids; and a thrilling, adventurous mountain for ones like Jaian," Doraemon explained.

"I don't suppose there's a Matsutake mushroom-picking mountain, too?" Nobita asked.

"Yeah. There's one of those."

"THERE IS?!" Nobita's expression brightened in excitement.

Doraemon then rummage his pocket before picking out:

"Perfect for picking Matsutake mushrooms, introducing: Mini Garden Series: Japanese Red Pine Mountain!"

"Red pine?" Nobita asked as he looked at the Mini Garden.

"Yup," Doraemon said as he took out a packet of Matsutake fungi.

"They're called Matsutake mushrooms because a ruler discovered them growing around a Japanese Red Pine (known as akamatsu) tree, and became the first who harvest them and cultivate his own."

Doraemon ripped the packet open and sprinkled them at the Mini Garden.

"Sprinkle on the Matsutake mushroom fungi," Doraemon said as he took out a remote control and pushed some buttons, "and once they get enough sunshine and rainwater, they'll grow in about 10 minutes."

"Heee..." Nobita nodded understandingly.

Then, it hit him.

"Hey, yeah! I'll go invite Shizuka-chan, too!" Nobita said and he ran outside.