Broken Bonds

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The Vertex...8:00 a.m.

" All of you are grounded. " Sapphire growled, " I don't want you out of my sight again. I'm so glad tomorrow is a holiday because I would PERSONALLY attend one of your classes. "

" Lady Sapphire, this isn't fair! We found the lair of the Scorbi all on our own! " Nichole yelled.

" Yeah! We know more than you guys! " Jennifer exclaimed as Sapphire just gave her a look, " Or...we could take the backseat. "

" Jackal already sent letters to all of your parents; you're staying here for a 'government social experiment' for the next two days. " Sapphire mumbled, " I'll let you get settled in before I give you back the team uniforms. This superhero facade is too much. "

With a disappointed sigh, Sapphire sent the teens into the lounge. While she was pacing back and forth, Sapphire noticed Angelina walking past her. Sapphire tapped on Angelina's shoulder and whispered in her ear. Angelina started chanting a mantra. 

" Ariel. " Angelina mumbled, " I've been thinking about the aliens. Fighting isn't always the answer. What if there was a way that we could all end this peacefully? "

" I...I don't know how to answer that. " Sapphire replied, " Let's just...stick to the plan, okay? "

Meanwhile, the teens relaxed in the lounge. Karla sat on the ground with her arms folded, angry at Lady Sapphire. She grumbled and cursed under her breath, stomping towards the exit. Suddenly, a woman with long emerald green hair appeared in front of her. The woman's face, body, and outfit were identical to Sapphire! Max and Michelle looked at the newcomer, puzzled. Dante and Ray scratched their heads, seeing three more Sapphires appear inside.

One had purple hair, one had yellow hair, and the next one had a dark pink hairstyle. Each of the Sapphire clones had a nametag on their chests, their names relating to their hair color. Emerald, Amethyst, Topaz, and Spinal. Max scoffed and started walking toward the door. He wasn't scared of any clones. Before he could even realize what was going on, he was already on the floor. Spinal held his arm in a lock, her foot planted on his cheek. Spinal lifted him into the air with ONE hand and flung him to the other side of the room! " Can..can Sapphire usually do that?! " The teens all thought as Max groaned on the ground.

" Anyone else wants to try? " Topaz clenched her fist. 

" We-we're good. " Michelle mumbled.


Genesis Labs...12:15 p.m.

Drift and Aundra sat in the medical room, treating their bruises from their battle with Project Renegade. Moonlight rubbed an icepack on her forehead, covering a significant bump. Drift scoffed, this was not worth it, but at least they were getting paid. Moonlight pondered on her pay the most, thinking about how much she could do with all that money. Drift watched as Moonlight got up from her seat and grabbed a folder from off a desk. It was titled 'Veronica.' She waved the envelope to her two teammates, making them groan.

" Veronica? You're crazy. " Aundra spit out blood.

" We were asked to eliminate let's just hope that Veronica's friendly. " Moonlight laughed.

The three walked through the hallways, remembering their horrible battle against the Scorbi. But, trying to stay optimistic, they ignored those thoughts and walked into a dark room with a large glass container in the center. Next to the casing was a large dark blue keypad. Small speakers were attached to the roof, playing an eerily dark piano piece.

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