c h a p t e r / f o u r

Start from the beginning


Good? What do you mean good? No this isn't good! "Excuse me?" I ask, hesitantly.

"Good. I had demanded for them not to tell either you or Tyler. You were to think you were going alone, when suddenly Tyler shows up. Except Tyler had some idea of just how dangerous Arlin is," he paused, thinking for a moment. "You both still failed, though."

The wheels in my head were turning. He basically set us up.

"You are dismissed for the day."

My head shoots up and I look him in the eyes. Dismissed? For the day? Am I getting fired?

"Just take the rest of the day off, Tigress."

Of course he had to call me by that name.

I nod my head, and get up to make my way towards the door.

"You were given the name Blood Tigress for a reason, Adelaide. Don't let us down." His cool, calculating words sent a shiver down my spine. He always knew how to make someone nervous and uncomfortable.

"How did it go?" As soon as I close the door behind me, Drayden is immediately in my face.

I roll my eyes. "I'm dismissed for the day."

"What?" He widens his eyes, not believing me. "My dad dismissed you? For the day? Oh shit. That's not good."

I continue walking, my tight work pants showing off my long legs. "I know," I state, glaring at him.

I hear a cat call from behind me, so I turn around and come face to face with Tyler and Talon. Finding out it wasn't a pervert, I roll my eyes.

"Did you get dismissed for the day?" I quietly ask him.

"No," he responds, giving me a weird look.

My face falls. "Oh."

"You did?"

Drayden steps in and sends Tyler a look that shuts him up. All the while, I feel Talon observing me. He doesn't say anything, but he never does, so it's understandable. He's always observing, never talking. It might be looked upon as weird, but it's a good thing, especially in the assassin business.

"Sorry, Adelaide, didn't mean to pry."

I give him a small smile. "It's okay, Ty." Sighing, I start to walk towards the exit once again, well aware that everyone is following me. "Where's Hermione?" I ask them.

"Sick," Drayden responds.

Hm. Hermione doesn't get sick. I'm going to have to check up on her.

"Guys, you seriously don't have to follow me," I say, turning around to look them all in the faces. I stop when I get to Talon's, while he looks back at me.

The way Talon looks at everyone is honestly nerve racking. It's not like he just looks at you. It's as if he can see through you. Find out everyone of your secrets, making it seem as if everything is just out in the open. But he's a great friend. Honestly, if I had to chose anyone of these guys to spend the rest of my life with, it would probably be him.

But then I look to Tyler, Talon's twin. And my mind immediately changes. Tyler, the one who is always laughing and joking around. He always makes situations better.

As soon as my gaze shifts to Drayden, I realize I couldn't pick just one person, I couldn't survive without any of them.

I smile to myself which causes Drayden and Tyler to look at me weirdly. Talon smiles a small smile as well, and I know he knew what I was thinking about.

"Get a room." I shoot a nasty glare to Tyler, and notice that Drayden has tensed up.

I place a comforting hand on his arm and he instantly relaxes. Then I realize what I'm doing, and quickly pull away. I need to get it across to Drayden that I'm not interested, because I'm not.


"Bye guys," I wave, walking towards the door.

Once I get outside, I breath in the fresh air before realizing that I need to check up on Hermione.


I knock once, twice, three times.

She still doesn't answer.

Standing here on the front porch of Hermione's house, I calculate the possibilities.

She could actually be sick, or she could have been taken. I mean, there's endless possibilities, but I'm going to stick with those two as the most likely.

I'm debating whether or not to call for backup, but my pride won't let me.

Seeing as my name is Adelaide Singher and I hardly ever think before acting, I enter the house.

Hermione once told me that if your twenty or older and working for the UA, Mr Ferasko basically gives you a house, if you need it. He pays for the house itself, but then you have to pay for the monthly bills.

Hermione turned twenty several months ago, but she didn't have a place to stay before, so he had payed for an apartment for her. That's what he does for the people under twenty. If they don't have a place to stay, that is.

Her dark wood flooring blends in with the rest of the house, because of how dark it is. The only source of light is coming from a window in the kitchen, across the foyer from where I stand. Other than that, the house is completely silent and dark.

I don't move, nor make a sound, straining my ears to hear any sort of sound, but there's nothing.

Walking around the house, room by room, I slowly but carefully inspect her house. By the time I make it back to the front door again, I realize I'm right back at the beginning.

The upstairs, main level, and basement contain nothing. No hints, no clues about Hermione's whereabouts.

As I continue to think I wonder if I'm simply overreacting. She could be at her parent's house. Or her boyfriend's...

But Hermione's mom is dead, her dad is in jail for murder, she hasn't had a boyfriend ever since...

Well, that.

So where could she possibly be?


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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