Chap 7: The final day

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I woke up the next morning as I realized that I slept through my alarm. Dammit why does this have to happen on my final day! I shot up and got changed and then ran outside. Even Minho had left already. I checked my phone and saw his missed phone calls. Dammit! I started running as the class would begin in 5 minutes. I was never going to make it.

I finally arrived at school. 10 minutes late, hopefully the teacher would go easy on me on the final day. Guess who got detention, ugh just my luck. I sat outside the classroom waiting for the hour to end thinking about last night. Minhyuk and I sat there for about an hour like that talking about our childhood memories. It made me realize how much I missed spending time with him like this. I felt the feeling in my stomach return as I thought back to it. I thought about the kiss that he had planted on my head and his words. You really are amazing Minhyuk.

I suddenly remembered something. Minhyuk wanted to say something to me last night but didn't end up saying it. He usually always speaks up his mind, it was strange but I decided not to continue asking. Today I had to speak my mind to him and tell him about me and Minho. He said he would be at school today so this would be my final chance.

The class finally entered and Larissa came out rushing to me. "Why were you so late Dae?" she asked as she held on to my arm shaking it. "I overslept, now I have detention after school" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Are you going to tell Minhyuk today?"

"I kind of have to, today is the final day"

"Then what are you waiting for" She pulled me with her by my arm towards the garden where Minhyuk would probably be waiting. I suddenly heard someone call out my name, it was Minho. He came running over to us "can I talk to you for a second?" he said as he looked at me. "I will leave you guys for a second" Larissa said as she walked off but probably still be hiding behind a corner to listen.

"I wanted to say that... the past two weeks with you were two of the best of my life and that I feel really happy that I got to meet you.. and I wanted to say that I felt so happy when you said you wanted to be my prom date" he said as he brightly smiled at me. He really is like a puppy sometimes, so cute.

I smiled back at him, "You don't need to thank me! I am so happy I got to meet you too, and I am happy you asked me to be your prom date. I didn't expect anyone to ask me so I felt really happy and special when you did". I suddenly heard a loud bang on the other side of the wall, me and Minho ran over and found Larissa standing there with a shook face. "W-What happened?" I asked her as she held her hands in front of her mouth.


Oh no.. don't tell me he heard us.. I looked at Minho for a second and then started running. I have to find him. I looked if there were any traces but I couldn't see anything. Where could he have gone. I asked a few people in the hall but nobody seemed to have a clue. Why is he such a fast runner dammit Minhyuk. I looked out of the window and looked if I could see him down in the garden or something. Sadly there was nobody there, I looked up and suddenly saw someone with white hair sitting in the rooftop. That has to be Minhyuk, he is one of the only guys in our school with white hair.

I ran up the stairs and made it to the rooftop. It was indeed Minhyuk.

"M-Minhyuk.." I said as I stepped closer to him. "Why didn't you tell me" he said without even looking at me. "I-I wanted to but there was never a time to, you got ill and then you were absent.." I had a bad feeling about the outcome of this, I held my hands together as I kept looking at Minhyuk still not wanting to look at me. "How about last night then?? You had the perfect time to tell me!" He suddenly got up and walked up to me, he looked so angry. I didn't let his anger blow me away though "I am sorry okay I wanted to tell you today but you happened to overheard our conversation! I know you are afraid of me getting hurt by other guys but can't you at least put some trust in Minho and be happy for me?!" my words made his eyes widen as he stayed quiet. "You are my friend! You should be happy to hear that I will be having my first date! Why can't you just be happy for me" I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I looked Minhyuk in the eyes. I saw tears form in his eyes as well as he seemed really hurt, did I go too far with my words? Why is he crying.

"Why aren't you saying anyth-" my words got interrupted as Minhyuk suddenly grabbed me by my cheeks and placed his lips on mine. I stood there frozen as he slowly let go of me. Our eyes met for a second before Minhyuk ran off. The look in his eyes.. I don't think I've ever seen a look like that before..

Wait did he just kiss me?!?!?

"WHAAATTTT" Larissa yelled as I finished telling her what had just happened. "He kissed you?? Omg this is some Kdrama stuff!"

"Jae! This is serious! What am I supposed to do, why did he even kiss me? Does he really not want me to go with Minho that badly? I don't know what to do anymore Jae.."

She stayed silent for a moment as she seemed to be thinking of a plan. "You know what I am going to talk to him okay? I will let you know what happened" she got up and left.

Larissa's POV

I didn't want to let Tess know what I was thinking since that would only mess with her head even more. But if my thoughts would be right this might be either really bad or really good. In any case I need to find out where Minhyuk is. I looked around the school but he seemed to be gone. I walked to the student service place and asked them if they had seen Minhyuk in the past 30 min. They told me that he had gone home since he still felt ill. Well guess I am going to have to go there.

I got to his house and rang the bell. Nobody seemed to be answering. "Minhyuk!! It's me Larissa! Tess isn't here! Open up!!" I yelled hoping he would open the door. Sure enough the door opened short after. "She send you didn't she" he said as he opened the door. I could see that he had been crying since his eyes were puffy.

"You love her don't you" I said as my words made him flinch. "I knew it" I said as I pushed the door and let myself in. "So what are you going to do now then, you kissed her and ran off without letting her anything know. She thinks you did it as a sign that you really don't want her to go with Minho".

"I couldn't help it.. when I saw her nearly crying in front of me I couldn't hold myself back anymore.. I've had to do that for so long. Hold back on all my feelings. You are right I do love her I did ever since I saw her again in the first year, but she never saw me as anything more than just a friend. But being her friend was enough for me as long as I could be with her, support her, make her smile. It was all I needed from her. But when Minho came.. I became jealous of the bond they have. I didn't want to be jealous but I couldn't help it. I know that he doesn't deserve this but I let the jealousy get the best of me" he said as I saw a tear roll down his cheek again. He really loves her.. he must have been in so much pain and Tess doesn't even know..

"What are you going to do now, you are just going to let her go with Minho? What if he kisses her at the prom?" His eyes widened as he heard my words. I didn't want him to give up on her, I wanted him to fight for her since I have always thought that they would be a perfect couple.

"What can I do.. she is already going with Minho.. there is nothing I can do anymore it is too late"

"So you are just going to give up on her?"

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