Chap 6: Old memories

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I walked down the stairs and put the plates in the kitchen. I headed out after and made my way home. I walked for a few min and suddenly heard someone call for me. "Heyy tess!" I looked around and saw Minho approach me. "Oh hey Minho! How are you?".

"I'm good I just came from the grocery store to pick some things up for my mom" he said as he patted the bag he was holding. "I see, I just came from Minhyuk he has been ill so I took care of him". "Wow you're really an amazing friend aren't you" he said. I nodded as I gave him an embarrassed smile.

We continued to walk the rest of the way together talking about all sorts of things. As we got to my front gate he waved me goodbye and then left around the corner. I went inside and dropped my bag on the floor and then headed upstairs. I have soo much homework to do and it is already 6, this is going to be an all nighter.

I got woken by my alarm. I slowly lifted my head up as I felt a strong pain in my neck. I really have to stop falling asleep on my desk. I took a shower and headed down to have breakfast. Minhyuk probably won't be going to school today and even if he is I will send him right back.

Minho came to pick me up as usual and we went to school together. We talked a bit about the prom and I did my best to not come over as nervous. Which I totally am since this is my first 'date' with a guy if you want to call it that. It is just as friends of course but others might see it as a date.

He told me that he had something planned for me which got me really exited. I was going to go shopping for a dress next Wednesday with Larissa after school so I could be all pretty for my first prom.

We got to the gate and we separated again as usual. I met Larissa in the hall and had to tell her everything about the past weekend. She was a little mad that I didn't say anything to her for so long and had her worry like that but her anger went away fast enough when she saw Kihyun walk in the hall. This girl really is in love.

Days flew by and it was soon already Wednesday. The prom would be in two days and today was the day we were going to look for the perfect dress. School ended early so me and Larissa had all the time to first the dress. Sadly Minhyuk hasn't been to school yet so I didn't haven't had the chance yet to tell him about Minho but I was hoping that he would be there tomorrow since he said that he was feeling a lot better.

We walked from store to store and tried many different dresses. Since me and Larissa both are pretty picky people it took a while since we both found a dress that we really really liked. I got a pretty long white with dark blue dress and got a pair of beautiful heels with it. I was planning on wearing my hair up with curls to make it even more outstanding. "I hope Minho will like it" I nervously said as we walked through the mall with our bags. "He would be crazy to not love it Dae!" Larissa chuckled as she gave me a soft push.

We got to my house and put on our dresses and heels. "Look at us Dae! We look like real time princesses!" Larissa cheered as we looked at ourselves in the mirror. "Minhyuk won't even recognize us like this! He will be totally shook". I flinched a bit when I heard his name. Right, I still have to tell him and pray and hope that he won't be mad. But at this point it is too late to cancel anything anyway.

Me and Larissa took a few photo's together before we took it all off again and went back to our comfy clothes. Larissa stayed for another hour before she had to head home or her parents would get mad. "Well see you tomorrow then Dae!" she said before she left.

Tomorrow would be our last school day since we were given a free day on Friday to prepare ourselves for the prom. I hung my dress on my closet and looked at it for a little while imagining me at the day of the prom. Wait, am I going to dance with Minho?? Omg I didn't even think about that before. Isn't that a thing you do at proms?? What if I step on his feet or act all embarrassed and make a fool out of myself. Great the nerves just got upgraded to another level.

I layed down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My thoughts going everywhere as I tried to calm them down. I placed my arm on my forehead as I closed my eyes. I started to practice the thing I was going to say in my head but before I realized it I slowly dozed off.

I woke up and looked at the time, 2:35 am. Oh I fell asleep, well I guess it was a pretty tiring day with lots of things on my mind. I noticed that my room was all dark and only the light of the moon and lanterns was shining inside. I walked up to my window and looked outside. So many stars are shining tonight. I walked out and went for a little walk. I haven't done something like this in a long time. When I was younger I used to always sneak out in the middle of the night to go sky gazing but nowadays I was too busy for that. But tonight felt different, it felt refreshing and it made me feel relaxed.

I got to a small playground where I used to play when I was still a kid. This is also where I met Minhyuk for the first time. While it is true that we only really ever got to know each other when we went to the same school 4 years ago, our friendship went back long before that.

I remember the day I was around four or five years old and that I was playing alone here at the playground. Other kids always used to pick on me since I was alone and insecure. One day this boy was taking it too far as he pushed me off one of the play houses. I didn't get hurt too badly but young me started to cry right away. Luckily Minhyuk was there as he jumped in and told the boy to leave me alone. Of course the boy didn't have any of that and ended up beating Minhyuk up but Minhyuk isn't someone who goes down without a fight and ended up winning the fight between him and the boy. Because of him nobody ever dared to bully me again since he was always around to protect me. Since then we became good friends and played here everyday.

I felt a tear rolling down my cheek as I was thinking about the past. It was so long ago, many things happened after that. I grew up, went to many different schools, had many different friends and met many people and after a while me and Minhyuk lost touch until we found each other again in the first year. I remember how happy I was when I saw his face. The idiot didn't even recognize me at first. I must admit that I grew up quite a bit while he still had the same baby face but still. The expression on his face when I jumped him was priceless.

I found myself smiling like an idiot as I was sitting here in the dark alone on a play ground. I really cherish all these memories of the past. They taught me a lot and help me for my future decisions. Soon everything is going to change again. I will have to continue my studies somewhere else or find a job. I won't be able to see Larissa, Minhyuk or even Minho as much as I used to anymore. These thoughts sadden me but I know our bond is too strong to ever be broken.

I wanted to get up and leave again until I suddenly heard a voice from behind me. "Tess is that you?" I jumped up and turned around to find Minhyuk standing behind me. As if the universe knew we were standing face to face on the playground where we first ever met. "M-Minhyuk? What are you doing here?" I stuttered as I looked at him. "I was going to ask you the same thing, I was out for a walk since I couldn't sleep".

"Ah I see, for me it was the same and I kind of found myself walking to this place" I said as I sat down again and Minhyuk came to sit next to me. "It has been a long time since we sat here together hasn't it" he said as he stretched his legs. I quietly nodded as I let out a small smile. "I remember the first time I saw you here, you were always alone and had nobody to play with. I wanted to step up and play with you for so long but I never had the courage to do so. Until that one da-" he stopped his sentence as I placed my head on his shoulder. "I remember, that was one of the happiest days of my life. I finally found my first real friend" I said as I closed my eyes and just enjoyed this moment. "From that day I made a promise to myself.."

"I will never let another guy hurt you again"

I felt my heartbeat race again at his words and the funny feeling in my stomach returned. I suddenly felt him place a soft kiss on my head before he placed his head on mine. "and I am still keeping this promise".

Is he talking about Minho? Is he afraid he will hurt me? It would explain a lot why he has been like this, he was just worried about me. 

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