"You gotta be quicker than that, sweetheart- " Ryan's eyes went wide as he was tackled from a Scorbis, " Ah, come on! "

" GIVE IT BACK!! " The girl shouted as she raised her foot into the air.

Her shoe cast a giant shadow over Ryan and the Scorbis, making both of their faces drop.

" Crap..."

Ryan threw the Scorbis off of him. He quickly rolled to the side as the giant's foot slammed into the ground. It crushed the Scorbis instantly as Ryan felt his heart in his throat. Then, thinking fast, he threw the gem after Phoenix. Phoenix quickly caught it as the giant turned her attention to him.

" I think the gem is the source of her power!- " Ryan shouted before getting kicked into a building!

" GIVE IT BAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She blew smoke out of her nose, her veins slowly becoming dark and black. The Scorbi rushed after the giant, leaving Sapphire to stand in the middle of the street, confused. Ryan groaned and got to his feet, seeing Phoenix dash away. The giant swatted Phoenix out of the air, knocking the gem into the sky! With surprising speed, Sapphire used her rocket boots to dash into the sky and catch it. The giant continued, grabbing Sapphire by her legs. The hive of Scorbi ran through her legs and tried to attack, but Ryan blasted them back with a giant fireball. 

" LADY SAPPHIRE! " Ryan slid between the giant's feet.

Sapphire threw the gem down at Ryan, but Ryan tripped over his feet, trying to catch it! He managed to recover in mid-air with a flip, but he had no time to rest. He sprinted forward, jumping on parked cars as he dodged multiple punches and stomps. The Scorbi hissed, charging behind him while they all darted through the streets. With another stomp, Ryan's body bounced into the air! Phoenix zoomed in and caught Ryan, the Scorbi, hot on their trail. He quickly flung the boy forward as the Scorbi lunged on top of Phoenix and slammed him into the road. Meanwhile, Ryan did a handspring and stopped himself from tumbling as the giant continued her charge.

Sapphire went to save Phoenix, leaving Ryan alone to run away. He tried to get onto a building, but it was a failed attempt. His body barely had any more strength even to jump high. The giant slapped her palm down, knocking Ryan into an alleyway. He tumbled inside until he hit a large metal trash can.


He fell inside, getting covered in all the garbage and other dirty objects. Ryan coughed and climbed out, realizing he was at a dead end. " Oh..this is terrible. " He thought as he hopped out the trash as the giant blocked the exit menacingly. Again, Ryan coughed, looking at her height. She was approximately EIGHTEEN meters tall, and that thought alone made him shake.

" I.WANT.IT.BACK. " She marched towards him.

" Listen- can't we sort this out? I mean, it's just a gem. I could buy you a new one if you like-uh. I feel like this is a one-sided conversation. " Ryan rambled as she towered over him, " Family heirloom? Or--still not listening okay."

" Hold on; I have a plan. " Vaxis mumbled, " Keep her coming....I'll lunge out and knock her out with one swift hit. "

" Okay, so do it now!! " 

" Not yet. " 

" Excuse me? " Ryan asked as the girl raised her foot into the air, " Vaxis, if you're going to do something...now's the time, buddy. "

" I SAID TO GIVE IT BACK! " The giant brought down her foot.

Suddenly, Vaxis shot out of Ryan and crashed into her chin! With a burst of fog, she stumbled backward, her eyes going white. She groaned softly, falling to the ground and shrinking back to her regular size. Again, Ryan groaned, feeling his muscles twitch.

Project Renegade : Invasion (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt