Minigame 02: Battle of Excerpts (Close)

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[ B A T T L E   O F   E X C E R P T S ]

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[ B A T T L E   O F   E X C E R P T S ]

Good day, exceptionally talented ARMY!

Welcome to our second Minigame held by yours truly, BTS: Battle of the Best Fanfiction 2018 Team, entitled: "Battle of Excerpts."

Before we tell you the mechanics, we would like to share with you a little secret. The secret as to why we decided to host minigames in this contest. What is the purpose of our mini-games? Is it only to kill time so this Award would not be stagnant while waiting for the slots in each Category to be filled? Is it merely for fun, for socialization?

Truth be told, we are all busy in our own worlds. But the Team decided to host small contests within this contest to help the worthy stories to be promoted. Because in the first place, this Awards Ceremony was organized to recognize those who deserved to be recognized— especially the Hidden Gems.

Yes, you've read it correctly! The purpose of our Mini-games is to promote your story. Let's just say, the competition is some sort of screening as to which story would we promote. Because, hey! We are aiming to focus the spotlight on the real masterpiece.

So, hoping you understand our goal, let's move on to the mechanics of Minigame 02: Battle of Excerpts!


First, what is an excerpt?

An excerpt is a short extract from a play, book, speech, film, etc. It is something you pluck out from a larger piece.

In this contest, we would ask you to show us an excerpt from your book that would make us want to read your book. It would be like a teaser in a movie only that in this game, it would be a scene from your book.

Second, regarding the qualification of your excerpt, the scene should already be published under one of your chapters. We don't like to give false hopes to the readers if ever you win, so we would be checking if your entry is really already visible in the public! The excerpt should not be more than 300 words!

Show us a glimpse of your masterpiece! Give us a taste of your heart! Make us want more!  


Fill out the form neatly and enter your application in the comment box. Do not submit your form through an in-line comment!

Title of the Book:



Excerpt word count:

Link to the chapter where the excerpt is a part of:  

Tags: (a minimum of 3 people who you think would be interested to join the Minigame)

Note: You could enter at least two different excerpts from two different books but no more than that. You could not enter two different excerpts from the same book. Strictly one excerpt per book!


Title of the Book: Fake Love

Author: Just some admin (--and I'll be the one tallying your scores too so be nice to me if you know what I mean... I'm kidding!)


I grew a flower that can't be bloomed in a dream that can't come true... Still, a smile formed on my lips as my eyes assured him that everything was alright. For him, I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad, strong when I was hurt.

But I really wish... I truly wish all my weaknesses could be hidden— hidden from everyone, hidden from him.

He cuddled closer, wearing the smile that made me gave up my world just to be with him. The soft warmth of his breathing made my spine shiver in an addicting trance.

"I love you," he whispered... and the chant of the magical haven we both created broke into shards of reality.

You. I wonder who he was pertaining to. Was it the one molded to be his doll, or was it the one who molded the doll?

After all, I succeeded in hiding my only weakness to everyone— to him.

My weakness... Yeah, I forgot where I hid the real me.

Word count: 164 words.

Link to the chapter where the excerpt is a part of: (That's the link to Fake Love MV, I know. Because this is a non-existent book. This is just a sample I was tasked to make and the contents of the excerpt were some of the lyrics from the song. As for you, your excerpt should be published and you need to give prove its existence by posting the link here.)

Tags: (I don't need to do this. But you do! So, tag a minimum of 3 people who you think would be interested to join the mini-game.)


First place:

10 votes on your entered story
The chapter of your entered story would be published in this book to advertise your story (optional)

Second place:

5 votes on your entered story

Post note: It doesn't matter if the story you'd enter in this Minigame is an entry to the Awards or not. As long as it is a BTS Fanfiction, then everything is potato!

Minigame 02

BTS: Battle of the Best Fanfiction 2018Where stories live. Discover now