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Heya!! Sorry this took so long! Next chapter ill try and include every single character!!

I also have another applyfic, called Swan lake if you wanted to check it out or something. (Please)


Dear Diary.

I haven't written all week, everything had just been so busy recently.

Four days ago,my suitors arrived in the kingdom.

I saw them when they all arrived, but I haven't seen them much since the feast, which is when I guess I got to meet them all properly for the first time. Aera had refused to attend, and I don't really blame her, seeing as the last one mistook her for a servant. His name is Wong Yukhei, but he goes by Lucas or something. He's okay I guess, but I can tell that his money has gotten to his head a little with the way he speaks, but oh my parents adore him.

They appear to like all my suitors, but he appears to be their favourite, they keep mentioning what a "lovely young man" he is. It was funny at the feast actually, my aunt was complaining about Aera to my mother, and when Yukhei asked who Aera was, they hesitatingly explained her to be my cousin. He then asked why she wasn't at the feast and I said probably because you mistook her for my handmaid, I got a glare from mother, but the look on his face was so worth it.

I think he took a liking to Aera when he met her if I'm honest, he wasn't looking at me when we went through the procedure, he was watching her walk off. If it was up to mother, that would bother me, but it doesn't really bother me, but the image of Aera with someone like him is quite humorous if I'm honest, I really do hope that he has a slight thing for her, if nothing else it would be entertaining. And mother's face oh god that would be a sight.

The ball is in three nights, and naturally I'm going to have to dance with literally all of them, no matter how tiring that is for me, I hope that Aera doesn't sneak out of that, I think I'd need the moral support. I don't really have a problem with any of my suitors but I really don't know if I can see myself marrying any of them.

I know my parents are trying to make me lean towards Yukhei, but can you imagine marrying someone who is probably only seeing your money and also has a thing for your cousin. (change that to sister and i'm looking at you alex)

I suppose in the end I'll have to end up with one, I just hope that I'll eventually grow to appreciate one of them in the way I should if I am to wed them, but at the moment that doesn't even seem possible.

Me and Wendy were walking in the grounds a bit over an hour ago, when we heard my mother coming, so we hid behind the gargoyles as Wendy is still shaky about acting like my friend in front of mother, thinking it'll get me in trouble as she's my maid servant. It's sad, she's been an older sister figure to me ever since I was little.

Anyway, we heard them talking about Area and her duties, of which almost all have been stripped from her as punishment but as far as Aera sees it, its an achievement. But they were acting as if she wasn't a member of this family, and I swear one of these days I will say something. They have no right to treat her the way they do.


"Yeonju, you really need to understand that I don't trust him." Ten said, sitting down next to Yeonju, attempting to convince her not to let Sicheng into her life.

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