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➸EMERALD is a bar maid in the coastline tavern

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

➸EMERALD is a bar maid in the coastline tavern. Occasionally flirts with the cutomers in order to get tips, but doesn't tend to get involved with the.. roudy men, and hasn't really ever paid attention to them, and not really any guys.



✾TAEIL is a blacksmiths apprentice, coming to the tavern every night he can just see her, but has never once actually talked to her accept stammering when she comes to take his order

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

✾TAEIL is a blacksmiths apprentice, coming to the tavern every night he can just see her, but has never once actually talked to her accept stammering when she comes to take his order.


✾YUTA is TAEIL's friend, who works on the docks helping the incoming boats, who finds his little crush on EMERALD amusing, and attepted to talk to EMERALD with the intents of being his wingman, but accidentally ended up falling for her too

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

✾YUTA is TAEIL's friend, who works on the docks helping the incoming boats, who finds his little crush on EMERALD amusing, and attepted to talk to EMERALD with the intents of being his wingman, but accidentally ended up falling for her too.




Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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