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Heya!! Sorry this chapter is so short! Only 3000 ish words now. Sorry i just have exams and im a bit tired and ill.

One thing, I do need to say. Your character will not be in every chapter, but i am making my scenes longer.

There's a lot of winwin in this chapter by the way, and quite a bit of angst. Have fun.

✯¸.•´*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

"MINHO?" Sicheng shouted, turning around in fear, looking either direction of him. 

"CHANYEOL?" He tried again, desperatly calling out the members of his squadron, recieving no response, only hearing the footsteps surrounding him getting closer and closer and closer. 

He could hear, but he couldn't see anything, all he could see were the branches, the leaves and the blood stained leaves beneath him.



Who's blood?

It wasn't his blood. 

Who... who had been walking with him??


Yixing had been walking with him.

This wasn't Yixings blood. It couldn't be. There was too much of it. If this was Yixings blood then-then-then-

And then he blacked out. 

✯¸.•´*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

Yeonju took a step out of the cottage where she and Ten lived, his parents having moved out when she was 15.

She was 20, and was trusted to go into the kingdoms town to buy supplies, but she had to take a special route to avoid the villagers and most importantly, the knights.  She wasn't allowed to talk to anyone unless it was the person at the stall, and god forbid did she mention who she was really, or Ten.

She began her usual route, wishing that to cut the time she could fly, but that was practically suicide, or god atleast they could invest in a horse.

About ten minutes in, she heard a sudden grunt of pain to the east of her, making her shudder.
It was just an animal, don't stray from the route, she tolf herself, continuing onwards.

She hadn't made another step before she heard one again, this one sounding desperate and like whoever the owner was, was in an immense amount of pain.

It had to be her imagination, but there it was again. She was at moral war with herself. She couldn't disobey Ten, he only cared about her safety anyway, it was for the best. But somebody was hurt, and Yeonju refused to let someone suffer when she had the ability to help.

She followed the source of the sounds for another few minutes, before finding it.

God, she almost screamed.

Before her was a sight more horrible that she could have imagined. It was a young man, a knight, whos armour was practically shattered, probably a result of the impact that had caused the deep gash in his side.

Heartbreaker | NCT APPLYFICजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें