Chapter 2: Things That I Hate #3

Start from the beginning

I looked over at her and she was giving me an evil glare, so I decided to stop with the joking around.

"It's obviously Brian." I said finally.

"I'm so excited!" she blurted. "Maybe it'll be like in all of those books where having a project with your crush brings you closer together, then you fall in love!"

Yup. That's Carly. She can be such a hopeless romantic at times. I laughed as she kept talking and soon we were at my house.

"Thanks for the ride. See ya!" I said, hopping out.

"Bye cupcake!" she replied.

I looked at her weirdly as she pulled out. She never called me cupcake. I shook my head laughing and walked my front door. The front door was open for some strange reason.

"Hello?" I yelled, walking in.

No answer. I took off my shoes and my bag.

"Hello?" I tried again, stretching out the 'o'.

I walked into the kitchen to call my mum when someone wrapped their arms around me. I shrieked so loud, I was sure Heaven could hear me. The person who had their arms around me doubled back in laughter. I turned around to see that it was my brother.

"ETHAN!" I screamed running to him and enveloping him into a tight squeeze.

"Why did you scare me like that? Why are you home? Oh how I've missed you!" I babbled on.

I let go of him after a few moments.

"That was priceless." he smirked, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye.

I playfully punched him in the chest.

"Wow, you've got some muscle over the year." I laughed. "Wait, why are you here?"

"Didn't mum or dad tell you? I'm taking the year off!" he exclaimed.

"YOU'RE TAKING TH- you're taking the year off?!" I asked, trying to calm down my excited brain.

"Yep. And I'm going to spend a lot of it with my favourite little sister." he chuckled, giving me a noogie.

"I'm your only little sister, smart one." I pointed out.

"Oh, how I've missed your sarcasm." he said, giving me another hug.

I smiled. "I've missed you more. You want something to eat?" I asked, walking over to the fridge.

"Yes." he said, patting his stomach. "This baby doesn't feed itself."

"That's true." I started. "First you have to put your food into your mouth, you use your jaw to chew, then you swallow the food, making it go down the pharynx. Then the esophagus-"

"Always the smart mouth, eh Elly?" Ethan laughed.

I couldn't help but let another smile creep onto my face. My brother's the only person that calls me 'Elly'. Everyone just calls me 'Izzy'.

"So, tell me... everything!" I proposed as I was frying the eggs.

Ethan and I didn't talk too much. He was always busy with his studying, but we tried our best.

"You know most of it!" he stated, taking a seat at the kitchen island.


"But?! But what!" I asked eagerly.

"There's this girl-"

"THERE'S A GIRL?! Finally! What's her name? Is she pretty? What does she look like? How do you know her? Will you even see her again? Does she kn-"

"Elly." he said.

I stopped talking and looked at him.

"Her name is Jessica. She's very pretty; light brown hair, green eyes. I know her through Uni, and I will see her again. She doesn't live too far from here. Plus, I was thinking of hosting a party sometime soon, you can meet her then!" He summed up. "I really like her."

I smiled softly. See, Ethan dated a lot of girls after this one girl broke his heart. He seemed to not care after that, and just went with whatever came his way. To hear that he actually likes this girl, and cares for her is something new.

"Awww, Ethan, that's great!" I said, as I finished making two sandwiches.

"Ya. It is." he smiled, looking off into the distance.

I took this time to quickly put all the food onto plates.

"Two eggs, sunny side up, and your favourite Ethan-ator sandwich." I announced, placing the plate in front of him.

Yep, my brother made his own sandwich and called it the Ethan-ator. It had practically everything on it.

"Thanks, sis." he said, as I took a seat beside him.

"So about this party..." I grinned.

"No, you are not invited."

"But how am I going to see her then?" I whined.

"I can get her to come early. But I do not want you being in the same house with a bunch of drunk 20 year olds! It's unsafe for you, and it's kind of creepy. I know a couple of guys that would probably bang you on the spot."

"Okay! Too much information! I don't want to know!" I exclaimed, covering my ears with my hands.

I saw Ethan chuckling. I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

"You do know I'm almost 18, and then I can practically do anything I want." I stated.

"Exactly. You're almost 18. Not 18 yet." he countered.

"But Ethan!" I wined again. "Can I at least stay in my room? I don't want to come home the next day and find it trashed, or even worse, two naked people in my bed."

He laughed. "I'll think about it. I still need to actually plan this party. I haven't even asked mom. It was just an idea."

"Okay." I mumbled.

"Hey, want to go to the movies tonight? Just you and I?" he asked, putting his arm around me and squeezing me.

"Sure! I just need to finish some homework." I replied.

"Then go!" he commanded.

"Okay, okay, sheesh." I laughed, getting up from my seat and putting my dishes away.

I grabbed my bag and jogged up the stairs, eager to finish my homework as quick as possible.


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