Meeting For The First Time

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You were walking around not really paying attention to your surroundings, as you were walking you saw that there was a fighting going on. You ran closer to get a better look and saw a girl with short brown hair blinking around, you were stunned until she was hit. Once she was hit she crashed into a wall and fell onto the ground. You ran over to her and checked if she was ok,
"Excuse me Miss are you ok?" you asked, she shock her head and sat up, she looked up at you and she put on this smile.
"I'm fine love, I'm Tracer but you can call me Lena" she said getting up,
"I'm (Y/N) it's great to meet you but are you sure you ok?" you asked. Tracer smiled and nodded she looked over at the fight and then back at you,
"Well you should get out of here before you get hurt, I can handle myself". You smiled and nodded now running off away from the fight but you did kinda worry about Tracer but she looked like she could handle herself.


You had signed up for a gaming contest, not willingly, that belongs to your friends, they wanted you to sign up and they were not letting you leave.
"Come on guys I'm not that good" you said crossing your arms and trying to leave,
"Yes you are dude, you are the best gamer we know and you could beat all of these kids" one of your friends said. You were so tempted to just try and leave again but you knew that it wouldn't work, you sighed in defeat and walked around seeing kids of all different ages. As you were looking around you bumped into this girl, she is shorter then you, long brown hair and she seems to be wearing a lot of pink and blue.
"Hey watch out" she said turning around to look at you, she is holding a bag of Doritos and a bottle of Mountain Dew.
"Sorry lady I didn't see you there since your sort" you said with a smirk, she put a smirk on her face and said back,
"Well I might be short but I can whoop your butt in any video game". You smiled and said,
"Names (Y/N)" she said back,
"Hana but mostly people call me D.VA". After that you both went off and played games and she beat you in every game you vs each other in so she kept on barging about it and you were a bit of a sore loser but you got over it and just smiled.


You were out on the mountains hanging out with your friends just having fun, you were all snowboarding down the mountain. You were really good at it, once you got down the mountain you smiled and saw your friends were still behind you just by a bit. You waited for them to get done, once they were down you just talked until you saw a girl with a lot of winter gear on and a little floating robot following her. Her hair is brown and is up in a bun with one of those chop stick looking think in her hair, she kinda looked lost. You walked over to her and asked,
"Are you lost?" she looked at you with a big smile and said,
"Yes I am kinda lost, my name is Mei". You smiled at her and introduced yourself,
"I'm (Y/N) maybe I can help you", she nodded and told you what she was looking for and you showed her where it was.


You were learning to be a doctor, you were in class and a girl with blond hair, she sat next to you but you kept on focusing on your work.
"Excuse me, did I miss anything?" she asked, you looked at her and smiled,
"No not really it's all the same stuff that we learnt last time" you said and looked back at your work.
"My name is Angela" she said taking notes,
"(Y/N) is my name" you said just listening to the teacher.


You own a weapon shop just outside the city and you don't get a lot of customers unless they need weapons to start some trouble. It was quite today and you were just cleaning guns and checking them all out when a black smock came in. The black smock turned into a man, then a girl with purple skin and purple-blue hair, she looked emotionless but you tried not to notice it.
"How can I help you two today?" you asked looking at them,
"We heard your the guy to come to get all the weapons we need if we wanted start some trouble" that man who was once smock said. You had a big smirk on your face and you said,
"Yep, now by what I can tell you my man is a shot gun kinda guy and your lady friend is a sniper rifle kinda girl".
"You are correct I'm Reaper and this is Widowmaker" he said introducing himself and Widowmaker. You then introduced yourself as you were grabbing the weapons and ammo,
"I'm (Y/N) I own this place and before you leave tell all your friends where they can get weapons or anything if they want to start trouble". Reaper grabbed everything and paid for it and left, Widowmaker gave you a smirk and left with the stuff for her.


Ok this might have been bad and I could have done better but I guess not since I'm not good at this but at least I tried and can improve at this. Have fun and imagine to your hearts desire,

-Missing Girl

Overwatch x Male Reader (Couple Scenarios)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن