Dare #38

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Me: YESSSSSS! So many good dares! Thank you Puppy_Lover_888 for this one! Anti, Dark, AA, Schneep! Come down here!

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Me: YESSSSSS! So many good dares! Thank you Puppy_Lover_888 for this one! Anti, Dark, AA, Schneep! Come down here!

Schneeplestein: How many times have I told you never to call me Schneep?!

Anti: Probably many times now.

Me: Shush! Dare for you guys! *Shows them*

Schneeplestein: Fuck you and your readers!

Dark: Oh, come on! I'm not getting my suit wet!

Me: Then strip naked if you're so worried.

Anti: I'd love to see that~ *Slaps Dark's ass*

Dark: *Blushes*

Me: I'm just kidding, but you're doing it!


Dark, Anti, AA, and Schneeplestein: *Lined up outside below the roof*

Me: Okay, ready guys?!

AA: Yep! *Gives thumbs up*

Anti: Hell yeah!

Dark: Nope...

Schneeplestein: I hate you all.

Me: Okay, Night, Jack, Mark, Yan, you all set up there?

*They all give a thumbs up, holding the buckets of ice water in their hands*

Me: Let's do this!

Jack: *Pours bucket over Anti*

Anti: *Gets hit with the water* AH! COLD!

Mark: *Dumps bucket on Dark*

Dark: HOLY FUCKING SHIT! *Shivers*

Nightmare: *Pours bucket over AA*

AA: *Stays silent for a moment* Yay!

Me: Are you saying that because you are happy you did this, or that you're glad it's over?

AA: Both!

Nightmare: *Smirks as she lets go of the bucket*

Schneeplestein: *Bucket and water lands on Schneeplestein* OW! YOU MOTHERFUCKING EMO BITCH!

Nightmare: *Chuckles mischievously*


Nightmare: Ooo, I'm scared.

Me: Anyways, that's it for this one! If you enjoyed it, hit the vote button and comment more dares below! And we'll see you in the next chapter! Buh-bye!

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