"Oh hi guys." I said. "I didn't expect you to be home before me."

I walked over to them and sat in the middle on the couch.

"Jace made me ditch." Ryder said. "He wanted to see you."

"Guys, don't ditch for my sake." I scolded, thinking back to the talk I had with my dad in the car this morning.

"It was worth it." Jace said, holding me. I tensed up.

"I think I'll go upstairs and do some homework. You guys stay down here." I said, trying to get away.

I only had to read a few chapters as homework for today anyway, but I just needed space.

Did he seriously ditch school to see me? I hope they were kidding, but they didn't sound like they were kidding.

I groaned and pulled out my history book. I hated lying, so I might as well read these.

About halfway through the chapter, Jace walked into my room.

"Why are you in here?" I asked. He smiled and sat next to me on my bed.

"Can't I be with you?" He asked. "Well, yeah, of course. It's just, I'm reading a few chapters, and Ryder is down there. He's your friend, you should hang out with him too." I said.

"He's fine with it." He said, shrugging off what I said. He scooted closer to me on the bed.

He took the book out of my hands and tossed it on the floor.

"Jace! I need that." I said. He responded by kissing me. At first I was into it, but soon I realized this wasn't right.

He can't just barge into my house late last night, skip school for me, and walk into my room and kiss me.

I tried to pull away, but he kept a firm grip on me. When he tried to go farther, I finally ripped away.

"Hey, stop!" I told him. "Come on, we haven't done this in awhile." He said.

"Yeah, and maybe that's for a reason." I muttered, but I think he heard me.

"Come on, Clara. Don't be like this." He said, undoing the buttons on my shirt.

I smacked his hand away. "Stop."

I could see he was getting angry now. "Clara, why are you being like this? We used to do this all the time." He stated.

"Yeah, well if I want to go without sex, I think I'm entitled to that." I said, getting off the bed.

"Of course you are, but your pregnant with my children." He said.

"So that automatically means I have to have sex with you because I'm pregnant?" I started yelling.

"That's not what I meant." He said. I looked at him, stumped.

"Clara, I'm-"

"Jace, I think we need a break." I interrupted him.

I saw hurt and rage flash through his eyes. He looked like the wind had been knocked out of him and I had kicked his new puppy.

"Clara-" He began but I cut him off. "No Jace! I can't deal with you acting like this! You can't just show up at my house! You can't just skip school to see me! You most definitely cannot demand sex from me!" I yelled.

He looked down. "Please don't do this." He said, his voice cracking. "I'll stop acting this way, I promise."

"You better. Jace, I'm serious I can't deal with that." I said. "Please, go downstairs. I need to think about all this." I said. He nodded.

"I really am sorry."

When he walked out, I took a deep breath and whispered to myself.

"I know you are."

* * *

Jace's pov

I walked out of Clara's room, sulking. I don't know why I was acting like this to her. I guess because I thought mates were supposed to be, but my only example I've had are my parents, and my dad beats my mom!

Why on Earth would I think that's okay? Am I inheriting his temper?

Ryder was sitting downstairs when I got there and he was glaring at me. "I heard Clara yelling at you." He stated. "You're lucky she's a forgiving person. I swear I want to kick your ass right now."

"I know I was a jerk! I wish I never did those things but I did!" I yelled.

Truth is, I deserve an ass kicking. I should never have pushed her boundaries.

* * *

Clara's pov

I sat in my room thinking about what to do with Jace. I want to give him another chance, but I don't want our relationship to be chance after chance after chance.

Besides, what he did was wrong. I'm mostly mad that he tried to have sex with me when I said no.

But I'm making a decision that'll impact the lives of two innocent babies. Of course if we separated, I'd let him see his kids, but if we weren't together, who knows what he'll do.

He might start dating another girl who won't want him apart of his children's lives.

And of course there's the fact I still love him.

I made my decision. I got up and walked downstairs. Jace and Ryder were glaring at each other.

"I've made my decision." I said, looking at Jace.

I could tell he was anxious as I walked up to them. I hugged Jace.

"I swear you ever do it again, we will be over." I said.

A/N This will unfortunately be the last update for a few weeks because I'm going to Mexico and I won't have wifi or cell reception most likely. I don't know, but I wanted to get this out. Love you all, hope you enjoyed!

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