Chapter three

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Liz's pov (Clara's mom)

It was night and the kids were asleep. I let Jace stay with Clara tonight. I know I may sound like a terrible mother but they're mates.

And she's pregnant.

I can't believe my baby girl is having a baby. Well actually two. I guess it makes sense they would have sex. Mates feel the need to do it.

I'm a human with a mate I understand the urges and needs we have. I also know what it's like to have kids at a young age. Me being thirty one means I had Ryder when I was sixteen, Clara when I was eighteen, and twenty when I had my youngest Josh.

I wondered when they could've done it. Usually someone was home with them. There was a soft knock on the door. I knew it was my mate and son. I hated having to lie to Clara. Obviously I'll have to tell her sooner than with Ryder.

I went to open the door and John and Josh were there.

I walked outside and told them everything. Clara and Jace being mates and Clara's pregnancy.

* * *

Clara's pov

I woke up completely naked with my naked boyfriend next me me. "Morning" I whispered in his ear and he woke up.

"Time to get up we have school." I said. He shook his head and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. "Let's stay like this all day." he said. "My mom won't let her thirteen year old daughter stay in bed with her fifteen year old boyfriend" I said.

"Why don't you ask her then?" my mom asked standing in the doorway. I immediately got off of Jace and pulled the sheets over my boobs. "We were just getting up Mom." I said and she nodded. "Ok" And with that she was gone. My mom caught me in bed wow that's embarassing.

I got up. "Told you." I said. Putting some black leggings and a tee shirt on. He got dressed too and we walked downstairs.

"Clara time for you to go to school the bus should be there soon." My mom said I kissed everyone goodbye and left.

When I got on I sat next to Jen. "So how did he take it?" she asked.

"Surprisingly well. My mom of course made us go to a doctor to make sure. And I'm seven weeks." She looked confused. "So he was fine with you having a kid?" she asked. "Well actually it's twins." I said and her eyes widened.

"And he was still ok with that?!" she shrieked. "He was happy. He kept smiling it's crazy I know" I said. She looked as if something clicked in her head.

"Not that crazy..." She said. Um ok then? The rest of the time we were silent. Nothing important happened at school.

Me and Jenny went into the bathroom to talk about my pregnancy which was it.

When I got home I sat in my room and set my hands on my stomach. There are two living things that me and Jace created. I already love them. I realized eventually school will find out.

But I didn't care.

Why should I?

It's not like my life could get any worse. I'm not a prep so it won't ruin some "good girl" act I don't have.

I'm lucky enough to have Jace not have denied and left me and stayed. I mean most guys are douches.

I heard the front door open and I knew it was Jace and Ryder because I heard them.

They were talking and laughing which made me smile because they're relationship hasn't been affected by this mess.

I decided to let them talk. Jace doesn't need to be with me constantly. He should still have a life before the babies get here.

I pulled out my laptop and got on facebook. Wow seven messages.

One from Jenny as expected. The rest from people I had seen in school but never talked to. Except one girl.

Ali Ross. She was one of the most preppy girls in my grade. We actually used to be friends but that changed when she found popularity.

Ever since we hated each other.

So why was she messaging me?

Jenny had just said hi.

I read Ali's

'You whore! I know your secret! I can't believe how stupid you are! XD'

I checked the time thing. Five minutes ago and she was still on.

'What are you talking about?'

'I heard you and Jenny talking in the bathroom so don't lie too bad everyone knows now'

I couldn't believe this. Ugh I'm so stupid.

I read over all the other ones.


'Whens my turn with you? Before or after you pop out the baby?'

'Ever heard of a condom?'

'Whore I bet you were in a threesome and don't know the father'

'I couldn't think of a better person to get fat than you'

I slammed the computer shut, tears forming in my eyes. How can people be so mean? God I shouldn't even let this bother me. Damn pregnancy hormones.

I walked downstairs and they were sitting on the couch talking and watching south park. God they're so immature and we are gonna have a kid.

What kind of mess did I get myself in? And school is going to be hell tomorrow. I assume they noticed my mood tho I had my back to them because they stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Ryder asked. I took a deep breath and hugged myself. "Everyone at school knows about my pregnancy." I said and felt cold tears streaming down my face.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I knew it was Jace because of the shcoks I felt when we touched.

"It's going to be ok." he mummered in my hair. He's right.

Eventually it will be over.

Eventually everthing will be over.

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