Chapter thirteen

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Clara's pov

Nothing stays perfect, and those fairytale days between me and Jace were long gone.

It's strange that in the short three weeks after the ceremony, things went wrong so fast.

We fought so much, behind closed doors of course. Last week I moved in with him.

His parents and my mom said it would be best, now that I was Luna. But oh were they wrong.

I was laying in our bed right now, Jace off doing, gosh I don't know, nor do I care. He should be back soon, he always comes back around this time.

A few minutes later, that rang true.

He walked in and looked at me disgusted.

"Gosh, can't you get off your fucking ass and do something useful?" He asked, annoyed.

"Well excuse me, I'm kind of new to all this." I defended. "You and your dumb fat ass." He muttered.

"I'm pregnant, I'm going to get bigger!" I shouted. I felt a sharp sting on my face, dang it burned which is how I knew it broke skin.

"Don't fucking tell at me, bitch!" He shouted, his fist colliding with my face.

I sat up at a lighting speed as reality took longer to. When it finally did, I let out a sigh.

It was just a dream.

It was still the night of the ceremony.

I was in bed with Jace, who sat up after me.

"Geez Clara, you look like you had a heart attack!" He exclaimed. "I-I-I... Nightmare." Was all I could get out.

Though I knew it was just a dream, a part of me was still scared of him. That part just wanted to cringe away from him

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, and I shook my head. "No no, I'm fine, just a little shaken up."

I could tell he wasn't convinced. "I'm fine, I promise. Now go back to sleep." I reassured. He laid down and pulled me with him.

I closed my eyes tightly.

Please don't let my nightmare come true.

* * *

I was awoken by Jace in the morning. "Come on, we have to get up." He said, carefully getting me up.

I got my clothes on and noticed the bump was very evident without a shirt on.

"My mom is taking you to school again." Jace said and I nodded, signaling I heard him. He gave me a quick hug before I hurried out.

The car ride there, Marie rambled on about baby names, and how my pregnancy will be nine months but the babies' genders will be determined quicker.

I thanked her when I got there and walked into school, where I was greeted by Clara.

"How was your night?" She asked, winking. I rolled my eyes. "Nothing happened, get your mind out of the gutter."

She laughed. "Well according to the two babies growing inside of your belly, something once did happen."

I laughed, but I still couldn't shake that dream out of my head.

Dear Lord, I hope it doesn't come true..

* * *

I was finally going back home today, and my mom was having me ride the bus home.

It was going to be my first night without Jace in awhile, but I was surprisingly fine with it.

When I walked in my house I sat on the couch and turned on the T.V.

Before I did that, I started popping some popcorn.

When it was done, I got up to get it out if the microwave.

As I was opening the bag I was hit with the most revolting aroma. I ran to the bathroom and got rid of my lunch.

Let the "morning" sickness begin.

A/N It's short, I know, I'm sorry, but I'll have more free time soon and I've been having huge writers block so if anyone has some ideas feel free to leave 'em in the comments.

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