HA4-Castles and Forts

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Chapter 4...Castles and Forts

(Danielle's P.O.V.)

I woke up to the sweet sound of my children's laughter. I do admit it was a beautiful sound. I climbed out of bed to see what was the source of their laughter. When I reach the den I come to find them running around the den and my couch had been turned into a castle. I mean it had a sign written with crayon attached to the cushion and everything. On the other hand the love seat was made into a fort. But the funniest sight to see was the dragon protecting the princess in the castle.

Dawson's hair was spiked into a Mohawk, and Sadie had sprinkled blush all over his face. He was a sight to behold.

The boys kept running up to him, and tried to slay him with their swords. Though Dawson would just tickle them till they fell in the floor.

I had to stop my watching when the baby started crying so I ran to check on him. When I entered the room he was all fussy. I picked him up and cradled him in my arms. I knew he was more than likely ready for his breakfast. I was just glad that we finally had Ross on a regular sleep schedule. I was letting Ross nurse when Dawson found me. He looked relieved to a certain extent.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, just being curious.

"Yes, I was just afraid that Ross was going to wake you. I was going to try to attend to him, and let you sleep," Dawson stated smiling. He has such a beautiful smile. He was such a beautiful man.

"Nah, I was awake," I smile looking back down at Ross and kissing his little head. He still had that new baby smell. I loved it.

"Well I'm glad you got your beauty rest," Dawson complimented sweetly.

"Yeah it looks like someone got in my beauty supplies," I laughed.

"Well, Sadie wanted a red dragon and this was the closes thing I could find that wasn't marker," he defended. "Plus this comes off easier than permanent marker."

"Yes, but this image will be forever stored up here," I laughed pointing toward my head.

"I know I'm sexy baby, no need to remind me," Dawson stated winking then he ran out of the room laughing. How could one man act so sexy and childish at the same time? He amazed me on so many levels.

(Dawson's P.O.V.)

Life was good after the fourth. I was still at home spending time with my family, but one morning I had to go to work for emergency meetings. And just to be honest it was really nice getting out of the house by myself for once. It was the first time I've went anywhere alone since Ross was born. Don't get me wrong I love my kids, but sometimes a man just needs to be alone. Lets be honest I just needed a change of scenery before I went crazy.

I was in the middle of my last meeting when I got a call from home.

"Hello?" I asked worried. Danielle hardly ever called me at work unless it was crucial.

"Daddy where are you?" My sweet Sadie asked. How did she get a hold of Danielle's phone?

"No let me talk to him!" I heard Shane yell from a distance.

"Babies, Daddy's in a very important meeting. Is everything okay at home?" I questioned.

"You need to come home. Mommy is not a good dragon," Shane stated.

"I'm trying the best I can over here," I heard Danielle pout.

"Well I'll be home in a little bit," I laughed. "I love you guys."

"Love you too Daddy," they chorused and I hung up the phone.

I couldn't explain all the weird looks I received. I had turned 180 degrees since when I'd first started working at the hospital. That doesn't mean the change wasn't for the better. At first I was the world's biggest flirt, now I was the world's biggest family man. I'm sure that sudden transformation could really scare some people.

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