The Seventh Wheel (S2)

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Omg I'm SOOOOOOOO sorry that I uploaded the Eighth wheel first than the seventh.

Here is what happened before school had a mini vacation

Super duper sorry!


Firstly, I felt exited to go to school. And secondly, WHY. DOES. THE. ANNOUCEMENTS. FOR. MY. CLASS. ARE. SO. LATE!

Now, I know you are all wondering, Hey Rayne, what is the problem for your annoucements being late? Well, you see..

Almost all the announcments my teacher gives us are practically on short notice. Like she tells the announcement to the class 2 days before the event. Which actually annoys Naima sometimes. But not only her, but sometimes me.

Cause, ahem. I am a couch potatoe~

But im not fully a couch potato, just an average one that thinks many is too little. Or One man's trash, is another man's treasure like type.

But allow me to scratch that off, let's continue on what is happening at school.

Sports festival

Yes, you got that right, ANOTHER FESTIVAL! And to be honest, that's not bad, that's good! I'm happy either way that they are becoming a bigger school. But here are the mechanics of the Sports Festival:

We will be devided into 6 teams, and the theme this year is..
Avengers: Infinity War

Looks fun right? My color is purple, which is the Power stone. There is also Space, Time, and the rest of the stones. And each of them have their own color too. And for my sister? Green! Which is time.

We will be having games there too, Which is obvious, cause it is the Sports Festival. And back to the top, our teacher told us in extremely short notice!

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