The Eighteenth Strike

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I heard I was invited to my not-so-close cousin who just turned eighteen. NOT so long ago, my parents were looking sad while talking about a "Debut" I, for once, doesn't care about a birthday party. Even though it's coming near; March 14, It seems so natural that I have to attend a party every. single. month. The only friends that I know there are Food, Cake, and none of your business. I didn't even feel like wanting to come. I was DRAGGED like I'm a doll, got tossed into the car and forgot my camera. I said out loud; "I HATE my life" "I HATE myself cause I'm so forgetful" "I HATE the people who just tossed me into the car with nothing but clothes and a gift!" But suddenly, my sister replied "Don't you love anything? Aside from family, cause, I know I'm gorgeous." No your not. But u gave my humble reply. "Sure I do! I love~" my sister smiled but I wasn't finished. "To hate!" She asked me to say it again. So I followed it and gave out my sentence. "I love, to hate." Your welcome! I was dragged here, forgot my camera, and was even asked to do something else. What can anything else be this awkward and things that you didn't want to happen.

We arrived at the Debut. Seeing ALL the fancy gowns, ALL those men in tights trying to copy fancy pants. I stood there cause I was focused on the food. UNTIL ONE KID, went through, and asked for a Kit-Kat. I WENT THROUGH, and saw that the kid got the Kit-Kat he wanted. I asked the lady also if I could get a Kit-Kat also but she said I was going to go FAT and DIE FROM CANCER and Gave me advice to never drink soft drinks. Wow. Such a great Debut! And then.. *Drum Roll please* THE GIRL WHO TURNED EIGHTEEN! To be honest, the dress wasn't that bad it's just that I don't like the sparkle idea that it will leave sparkles, to glitter, to flower petals.

P.S. I don't drink any soft drinks except apple juice and water. And some smoothies.

Yeah.. I'll take my leave.. Thanks guys

Life of a BloggerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora