The Second Day

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I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Rayne. Rayne Victoria. And I am a writer, and still go to school. But enough of that, or scratch it off, but let's go back to the story!

After I made a new video, I saw many more people growing and growing. I jumped with joy! Looking crazy to my parents, I'm still happy and telling everyone thank you! And obviously, I did what any other person would do. Make more!

While my friend Naima was congratulating me on my success, I was watching anime instead. Cause really, I'm sick and tired. Well, not sick but.. you get the point. I basically go through this every. Single. Day? Yes, your welcome. And it grew larger and larger. Which ALSO makes the haters grow, larger, and larger!

As I was watching anime I slipped on the floor and got reminded that the floor will always be with me wherever I go. So I decided to do a gaming video. Which I tried to ask my fans if I should do both, but let's say it wasn't a "Fair Tie"

I played this game called Bendy, and the Inked Machine. (Don't kill me, I tried my best) and I got scared straight to death, digging my tombstone, and walking to it. Let's say it was a life saver when I finished the 3rd Chapter of it!

Legend says: Till now, Rayne's sleep is still being haunted by Bendy, and the Inked Machine.

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