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First things first, there won't be a sequel, I'm sorry. This was originally written as a one part book and I liked (& still do like) where it finished.

Secondly, I know a lot of people compared this to the movie Flipped but I had never seen (or even heard of) it prior to writing this lol. If it seemed like it was like the movie, it was a complete coincidence lol.

Okay with that said, read on.

(This first part is mushy so you can skip that if you want.)

This book is finally (sadly) over! It's been crazy. I never expected the love and feedback that this book got and I was honestly so surprised that so many people actually liked it and looked forward to updates?? (2nd time around was even more heart warming)

From the start I was very hesitant on even publishing this in the first place. The subjects in this are sorta heavy for a lot of people and I wasn't sure if it was going to be recieved in a good way. It was also hard for me to be able to portray these things in a way that wouldn't give in to the way that society views them. I didn't want to glamorize suicide and make it seem like it was a way out of problems. I didn't want it to seem like rape was something that was the victim's fault either. I definitely didn't want it to seem like Finn and Millie's characters were there to "fix" each other either. I wanted them to be able to support each other of course, but I also wanted to make it clear to readers that there isn't going to be someone to swoop in and "kiss your scars" or whatever. Neither of these things are romantic and I think everyone should know that it takes time and effort from yourself to get through these things.

When I originally published the first chapter of this, I had the entire book written. Once I got to a certain chapter though I had a whole other idea for it. I wasn't sure about Millie's backstory and whether or not I should have done it. When I did post that chapter explaining her past I was so scared that people were going to hate me or hate the story. I'm glad people liked it and I'm glad at least a bit of attention could be brought to these subjects.

To all the people that read, voted, and commented on this, I love you so so much. You guys motivate me to write even on the worst days. This book has 13.6k reads as I'm finishing it, and I never would have imagined that. So again, thank you so much. (It's at 118k reads now since I've finished re-editing it, wow who would've thought, ha)

Thank you for letting me live this book once again, sorry it took so long to update this thank you chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed if you were a first time reader or a rereader (is that a word?).

If you guys ever have questions or just want to talk, feel free to comment or message me at any time!

(Now here's the part where I advertised City Boy for the first time w a sneak peak lol.)

I won't delete that bottom part bc it's kinda bittersweet to me in a weird way. If ya haven't read that though, hop on over there. It's gonna be edited soon too :)

City Boy

Sorry, no more sneak peak bc everyone thought it was the ending & it wasn't. Sorry! Just go read it lol.

-Chemickles ♡

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