f o r t y

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I had never enjoyed a Christmas more.

Sadie and I spent the morning opening presents with her parents. I had not stopped thanking them for my birthday gift, and it was hard for me to even accept the gifts that they had gotten me for Christmas.

After the morning with Sadie's parents we went to Millie and Noah's for a Christmas lunch. Winona had made all sorts of food, too much for us to eat. Noah had baked cookies too, but he wouldn't admit to it. Sadie praised him the entire time, making Millie and I sneak knowing glances towards each other across the table while we ate.

Millie and Noah were both excited because they had gotten phones. Millie added my number first, making sure to keep it under "Paperboy" with a tree and a small heart emoji after it. I smiled as she entered her own name into my phone and added the same two emojis.

The next couple nights consisted of us talking all night on the phone. We never really texted, just called. I knew Sadie and Noah were doing the same though because I had heard her one night when I walked by her room.

It was New Years Eve now, and for once Millie and Noah were over at Sadie's. Their parents let them stay the night, of course with the same rules though. They had to check in every once in a while and boys had to sleep on the floor and girls had to sleep on the bed. We were all huddled in the living room waiting for the ball to drop in New York on TV.

"My mom bought us sparkling apple cider so we can drink it when the ball drops."

Sadie passed out glass wine cups, only four minutes remaining until midnight.

"Wow fancy."

Sadie nodded at Noah despite his sarcasm and sat next to him on the couch.

"Do you guys have New Years resolutions?"

I shrugged at Sadie's question.

"To get a girlfriend. Or at least my first kiss."

Sadie rolled her eyes at Noah's reply.

"You don't even talk to girls, maybe you should try doing that first."

Noah scoffed.

"Uhm, wrong. I talk to you."

His cheeks turned red as he realized what he said. He started to stutter out a cover up but Sadie cut him off.

"So you're trying to make me your girlfriend then?"

Millie let out small "oooh", resulting in Noah glaring at her.

"Shut up, instigator."

He rolled his eyes when Millie laughed.

"My New Years resolution is to get back in school, actual school. So I can be with you guys there."

I could see everyone smile a little at Millie's answer. I couldn't wait to see her at school. I'd get to see her a lot more.

"I don't think I really have a resolution."

I nodded and agreed with Sadie's statement. I think everything was good now. Sadie looked to me and shook her head.

"No, I have a resolution for you."

"You can't do that."

She nodded.

"Yes I can. Your resolution is to put yourself first sometimes."

I sighed at her reply but nodded anyway.

"Oh and of course to finally make Millie your girlfriend."

My cheeks automatically went red and I gave Sadie a "seriously?" look. She smiled in satisfaction.

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