t w e n t y

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I woke up Monday morning with a pounding headache.

The events of the past couple days had exhausted me. I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to do anything. I dragged my feet as I got off my bike and put it on the bike rack in the front of the school. I had worn a beanie today, not having it in me to even try and make my hair presentable. I was up half the night so I'm sure I looked like hell. I know I felt like it for sure. I was almost to the doors of the school when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned and came face to face with two familiar faces.

"Hey. You might want to get out of here."

I sighed as the curly headed boy spoke.

"And why is that?"

Caleb had a worried and scared look on his face. I couldn't seem to remember the other boys name.

"Haven't you heard? Noah is looking for you."

I took a breath in and turned away from the two. Good. I opened the doors and walked into the somewhat crowded school.

"It's your life!"

I kept walking down the hall, ignoring what the curly headed boy had said. It was my life. I saw Noah at the end of the hall. I know people were looking at me. Noah's head turned my way and we locked eyes. He was angry. I could tell he was by the way his eyes seemed to practically darken. I walked a little faster. Yeah, it was my life.

It was my life, and this was just my death wish.

Noah started to walk towards me, his hands balled into fists at his side.

"Finn stop, what are you doing? He's going to hurt you."

Sadie's voice rang out but I ignored it. She grabbed my arm but I only brushed her off. Noah and I finally met and just like I expected, I was thrown into the locker to my right roughly.

It made a loud banging noise as my back slammed against it and gasps were heard around the hall. His eyes bore into mine with hatred.

"I didn't want to hurt you Finn. But you hurt her."

I didn't move or struggle. There wasn't even a point anymore. I didn't care. Noah pulled me away from the locker and pushed me hard so that I then went flying to the ground. I hit it hard, my backpack slightly breaking my fall. He stepped forward as a crowd drew around us, Sadie's voice now drowned out by the kids around us yelling at Noah to either kick my ass or leave me alone.

"Noah stop!"

Mine and Noah's head snapped to the side. I had to be imagining it. I closed my eyes tight and opened them back up. It was real. She was real. She was here.

"Millie why are you here?"

A couple whispers went around the large group of people as Noah said her name. Things like "that's her" and "that's Millie". I looked at her as she glared at Noah. She was wearing my hoodie, and that brought me a little hope. Her hands were slightly shaking. She was nervous.

"Because I knew you were going to do something stupid like this. Leave him alone."

I felt a small feeling of happiness at the fact that she was standing up for me. Noah grabbed my shirt and practically yanked me up to my feet.

"He deserves everything that comes to him. He hurt you."

She was fast. She got to us quick and pushed Noah hard.

"I don't need you fighting my battles for me! Leave him alone Noah!"

Noah's jaw clenched and he slammed his fist against the locker next to me once before storming off through the crowd of people, slapping some guys phone out of his hands as he was recording the whole scenario.

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