Chapter 12

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Welp, here's Chapter 12 everyone. Just a WARNING- there are mentions and graphics of rape/non-con, so don't read if you are triggered by such events. I hope you guys like this chapter. After this I just have one more chapter to write before completing this story. A quick thank you to everyone for supporting this story and giving me the strength to finish it, even though I said I might not. Anyways, enjoy!!!
In retrospect to what anyone else believed, Atemu Yami Sennen was not one to sit by and watch as someone he loved was hurt. Especially if that someone was one Yugi Mouto, with whom he'd fallen in love with. And especially, if he was being hurt by a stranger that Yami had never met before in his life. So excuse him if he's just a little pissed off.

He paced the floor of his living room where all of his friends sat together. Seto was the only one in the dining room, preferring to have silence to focus on the task at hand. Tracking Yugi.

Yami was so caught up in his panicking that he jumped, startled when Jounouchi placed a hand on his his shoulder comfortingly.

"We'll find him, Seto has every security guard he has looking all over Domino." His eyes held nothing but confidence in his husbands abilities.

Yami grasped Jou's hand, his shaking and sweaty, "I know, I'm just worried."

"You should sit down." Ryou commented and stood up, "I'll make us all some tea."

"Thank you, you guys." Yami plopped down on the couch and weaved his hands together. Yami wasn't very religious, but he knew that all he could do now was pray and hope that Seto found Yugi soon.
It had been a daunting three hours for everyone. Seto has been working diligently and silent the entire time. It was only when he finally tracked down Yugi's location that he let out a relieved noise, piercing the silence that had befallen the entire house.

Yami, spurred by the noise, jumped up and practically ran into the kitchen, "You found him?!"

"Yes," Seto turned his computer to show Yami the location, "An abandoned warehouse, located at Dominos east docks, all shipments are closed for the week. It's why no ones been around to hear Yugi and report the man."

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Yami rushed to the door.

"Wait a minute!" Seto stood up and brought his suitcase over to his cousin. The sleek silver case reflected the hallway light as it flicked open. Nestled within silky cloth, a small handgun lay. Untouched and it's safety on.

"Are you sure about this Yami? You can still stop the man with out this." Malik spoke uneasily at the sight of the gun.

Carefully, as if it would go off on its own in his hand, Yami took the gun and shoved the barrel into the waist of his dark jeans, "I have to, protection is necessary, that man shouldn't deserve to walk away from this unscathed."

"I agree with you wholeheartedly, Yami. But this-" Jou gestured to the gun. "You've done so well up until this point, don't do something you're gonna regret."

Yami glanced at the gun, its cool surface fitting nicely in his hand. It had been a while since he'd allowed himself the pleasure of picking up another gun, it was just for protection, just like always. "I'll be careful."
He revved his car into gear and swerved out of his driveway. After having the coordinates of Yugi's location sent to his phone, Yami pressed his foot against the pedal, speeding way past what was demanded by the law. He couldn't find it in himself to care, all that mattered at this point was getting to Yugi.

The location was at a warehouse on East Dominos docks. Yami parked a ways away, as to not be heard approaching. The warehouse was smaller than the others, its silver metal shining under the glowing sun.

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