Chapter 29: Parting Ways

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"Sylvia!" Nurse Joy cheered as I walked into the Pokémon Center for the first time in who knows how many weeks. She ran from behind the counter and nearly shoved Officer Jenny out of the way. I froze in shock as the officer didn't do anything but smile as she took her Poké Balls and snuck out of the Pokémon Center.

It didn't take long for Nurse Joy to open her arms wide, pulling me into a hug. 

With Team Miasma finally gone, Trainers seemed to be more active, but that didn't stop Nurse Joy from welcoming me back into the Pokémon Center. I could feel her arms unknowingly pressed into every bruise that was on my body. If I said anything, she would probably demand what happened.

It's been two weeks since I've stopped Taipan and the rest of Team Miasma. I watched it somewhat happen. The moment the battle stopped, the Trainer pulled out another Pokémon and flew me to the nearest hospital.

Because I was too cold to really notice what was going on, I have no idea who that person was. I just remember waking up in a hospital, hooked up to some IV's and a nurse by my side, explaining that a young man, about my age, brought me here. He must've left before I got up, and the nurse didn't really know much more than that about him.

It could've been Rudi, but the Trainer's voice didn't sound like his at all.

Thinking it was Rudi was quickly debunked when I talked to his family members. While I was battling Taipan, and after Rudi got his sister to safety, Zekrom must've made an appearance while the other legendary disappeared. Rudi took it upon himself to try and find Zekrom's Trainer, meaning he was out and about. The good news is that Rena was fine, and they knew I was fine too.

Bad news: I didn't know where Rudi was.

After a week of being trapped in a hospital, I visited their underground hideout. There, I gave Rena her Lilligant back and just helped around the place, waiting to see when Rudi would come back.

He didn't.

Seeing that I had other things to get to, I came back to the Pokémon Center to visit Nurse Joy. It wasn't even my idea, but Landon's, as he told me it would probably be best that I told Nurse Joy everything that happened.

I didn't want to tell her anything, but my work as a superhero was done. It should be done anyways. With that being said, I decided that it was either now or never.

When Nurse Joy pulled away from the hug, she didn't look to happy, "It's been a while. What happened?"

My hand reached to a particular Poké Ball that clipped to my belt. As I showed it to her, Nurse Joy's eyes widened.

"I should've known," She whispered, "Come to the back. I think it's time we catch up."

I nodded my head, following her to the back where the rooms were at. We stopped right outside the one where I had personally healed that little Ducklett. Something inside me stung. After the events that had happened, I didn't talk about it to anyone.

Nurse Joy must've noticed as we both sat down on some chairs outside the room. She wrapped an arm around me, while I just looked right at the room. It seemed so long ago since Swanna disappeared.

"Sylvia, I can't tell you how proud I am of you," Nurse Joy told me, "You would've made your parents proud."

She was talking about going on my journey. I looked down, feeling very guilty. Nurse Joy would be crushed the second I told her I put myself in danger. Guess I didn't have to tell her everything. The times I've blacked out or nearly froze to death, people didn't know that. It wasn't common knowledge, so she didn't need to know.

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