chapter four

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Megan's POV

Madison. She's all I can think about.
I felt so bad for kicking her out, but I knew this was for the best.
What happened shouldn't be happening. She's my student.
She probably has a crush on me, which happens, but I can't hide the fact she's really different from other students.

I have been observing her since I know her and actually learned a lot. She doesn't listen or care in class, but she still manages to get good grades.
She's popular at school. Everybody knows her, I see how boys and girls check her out when she walks in the hallway.
I don't know why I reacted this way when I saw Cameron kissing her. I probably did because I saw this couldn't be happening. He seemed rough and even tho it's not my business, I had to do something.

People say we look alike. But that's maybe because we both have dark hair and light eyes. Mine are blue while hers are green. Emerald green,
Her eyes are probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She's so beautiful.
I feel bad for thinking about her this way because I shouldn't, but I can't help it. Everything about this girl drives me crazy.
Yesterday at the supermarket, she was being herself in front of me. And she was absolutely adorable.
While today, she looked the opposite of adorable. She looked extremely fuckable.
Her outfit was really challenging, but without being inappropriate. It just fitted her perfectly.
I couldn't help but stare. She was perfect. Madison Johnson really is something else.
I insisted that she called me Megan because the way she called me Miss Cole really turned me on. I couldn't help but have inappropriate thoughts. And I also wanted to get more intimate with her by asking her to call me by my first name.
Then why did I push her away today while she obviously wanted to kiss me?
Because she's my student,
But I don't see her as a student.
And I'm pretty sure she doesn't see me as a teacher.
I need to do something, to get her off my mind.
I need to apologise to her, because I could clearly see she was hurt after she left my class.
But what would I say to her?

If I say it was no problem she would probably continue chasing me, but this would lead to so many problems. We can't have a relationship.
If I say she can't do this anymore which is probably the best for both of us, but I know this is gonna hurt her. And I don't wanna hurt her.
I have to be honest with myself. Do I want her? Yes I do. For now, I just wanna get to know her better. I got interest in this girl and there's no reason for me to hide it.

The classes passed slowly and when the final bell rung, I felt relieved it was finally the weekend. Yes, teachers get excited too.

My first week at this school has been pretty good. Except the fact I met Madison and now my head is totally messed up, everything's good.

I head to my car and open the door. I'm planning to go to the supermarket today, to see Madison.

Once I step into my apartment I hear loud rock music playing and I know who's responsable.

"Ryan!" I shout

A couple of seconds later my brother walks into me, laughing.

"What's wrong Meg?" He asks

"Stop the music my ears are bleeding" I say

He rolls his eyes and takes his phone out his pocket and stops it. He knows I hate this type of music.

"How was your day?" He asks me

"Good" I say without giving any details. It wasn't good.

"Nah you're lying. What's up?" He says as he sits at the kitchen table and shows me to sit next to him, and I do so.
I need to tell someone about Madison. Me and Ryan are really close. Why shouldn't I tell him.

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