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Nari pov¡

My heart was beating rapidly, I was scared. I was heart brokened.

I was downstairs in Sehuns basement sitting on a wooden stool and being guarded by two bulky guys.

I couldn't sure or talk because of the duck tape on my mouth.

I close my eyes and tried to be calm and think of happy thoughts until I heard shooting.

My eyes shot open and the guards took there guns out tip-toeing upstairs quietly.

The sound of breaking and shottig was the only thing I could hear.

Taehyung pov》

"Are you sure thid is the house?",Jimin questioned me through the monitor.

"I told you it is,  now quietly sneak into the house",I responded carefully walking to the house.

We finally reached the backdoor and slowly unlock it. The door finally unlocked and I pushed it  forward to see.

"Go go", I signalled them to move in.
Body guards were scattered everywhere, north,east,south,west.

A body guard then turned around noticing us. His eyes opened wide as he took his gun out. 'BANG'.

I shot him alarming the other guards to look at us beginning to shoot.

We hid behind furnitures to not get hit, we began shooting again killing each guard not getting a single scratch or injury.

Nari pov》

I was panicking so hard because of the shooting. I was about to hyperventilate until Sehun came running downstairs and untangled me from the chair.

He seemed to be in a rush. Panting so hard and very sweaty.

He then hand cuffed me sooner.
"Lets go", he said cold grabbing my arm harshly.

He dragged me upstairs where I can see dead bodies scattered. I look around and saw Taehyung.

I tried to make a sound but I couldn't.
I tried getting out of of Sehun grip but I couldn't.

He continued dragging me until we reached a bedroom door.
He pushed me in and got in too.

He took a chair and sat me on there.
I tried to make sounds but couldn't.

Taehyung pov☆

After clearing the whole downstairs I looked for Sehun but couldn't find him.

I opened a door that led to the basement and signaled Jimin and his gang to go down while I go up.

I look in every room quietly until I came upon the last room in the hallway.

I slowly opened the door making a creek sound and notice all the lights were turned off.

I put my hand on the walls hoping to find the switch. I finally found it and switched it on,only to reveal Sehun holding a knife close to Nari's neck.
Tears were formed in her eyes spilling out as she muttered something inaudible.

I pointed my gun at Sehun who was just standing there smirking.
"Ah, you made it",he chuckled.

"Leave Nari alone from this",I said sternly said.
"How about no",He responded chuckling more.

The more he spoke the more I wanted to shoot but I couldn't.
"What do you want that this had to happened",I asked him.

"Lets see, 2years ago there was a girl name Mina"

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