Episode 6 One for the books

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November 21st, One week later, Public library

"Does the last name 'Fischer' mean anything to you?" Amanda asked as she and Alex browsed the DVD section at the public library. She and her brother had gotten back home the day before, and she and Alex had planned an outing in the downtown and had wound up at the library.

Alex made a face, "It sounds... kinda familiar." She said, "Why?"

Amanda shrugged, "I found a stack of letters in my Grandmothers attic- they were in Germen, but they were from someone with the last name of Fischer- and I just thought I had heard it before- that's all." She explained, it had been nagging her for weeks.

Alex shrugged and shook her head, "Have you got all your verses memorized?" she asked.

Amanda tossed her white blonde hair out of her face "Yes of course- well... almost all of them. You?"

Quizzing was a lot of work and it was all about memorizing. Each year a single book of the bible was chosen, then each quizzer would pick a few chapters to memorize by heart, so that when the Quiz master started to ask the question, the Quizzers who thought they knew the answer would jump and quote the verse.

It went something like this.

Quiz master- "Finish the verse, Mark chapter 12 verse 17, Well then-"


First quizzer to jump- "Well then, Jesus said, give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God. Mark chapter 12 verse 17.

If a quizzer answered three questions correctly, then they would 'quiz out' and their seat would be turned off, and if the team had a stand in, then they would start quizzing. Anita, and now Chick, were stand by Quizzers, and would likely start playing when either Amanda, Mike or Alex quizzed out. The other team only had 5 players, so they only had one stand in.

The first big Quiz meet of the session was in a few short weeks, when they would go up against quizzers from all over the province!

Alex made a face, "Yeah, for the most part- I know Nicky is having trouble with his verses- even though Chick has taken a whole chapter off him."

That didn't surprise Amanda, Nicky was not a good quizzer, it was unusual for him to quiz out at all, apparently it was unusual for Jen- or Garbage girl, to quiz out either.

"So is the other team really as awful as you've been saying?" Amanda asked, all the texts she had gotten made it sound like the apocalypse had happened!

 * * *

Alex sighed, "You wouldn't believe it. Claudia still can't remember Tracy's name- and has made fun of Nicky almost every night!"

"What about their leader? 'Ken' was it? Didn't you say he was cute?" Amanda smiled mischievously when Alex couldn't stop herself from blushing.

"Yeah... he's ok." Alex tried to play it off cool. But even as she tried she was reminded of Ken's tussled blonde hair and blue eyes.

To distract herself, Alex wandered over to a pedestal that held a large history book of the city. To her surprise it was opened to the page that talked about her Grandmother; Makenzie.

Her Grandmother had started and funded several charity's in the city and was a bit of a local celebrity, Alex's name was even in the book, along with all of Mackenzie's children and grandchildren.

Alex ran her hands along the words then turned back to Amanda.

"How about those migraines you were having before we left- still got those?" Amanda asked, as Alex joined her and they started down the stairs to the lower level.

Alex thought back to the party- Anita had made her stay much longer then she had wanted to too, but after the weird power outage, she hadn't had a bad migraine since. Sure, she had a small one- but not near as bad as it had gotten. She was about to say this, when out of the corner of her eye she saw Chick.

The beautiful blonde had rounded a book shelf and made a beeline for the history book that Alex had just looked at, in her wake came non-other then Maddy, the afro girl.

"See!" Chick said excitedly pointing to the part where Alex was certain, her Grandmother was talked about, "I told you they were related!"

Maddy frowned and squinted at the page, "It might be a different Alex... if it is her... that's a huge coincidence!"

Alex's heart rate increased just like it had the night of Halloween, her skin prickling and her migraine pounded back into full force.

"What is it?" Amanda asked as Alex felt sure her face had gone white, she held up a finger to motion for silence as they paused on the stairs, their backs to Chick and Maddison.

"It's her- I know it is." Chick said firmly, "You weren't there at the party- you didn't see what I did." From her voice Alex knew that Chick and Maddison were moving towards the stairs!

Alex grabbed Amanda by the wrist and pulled her down the stairs, she didn't stop till they had cleared the library completely and were out on the side walk.

"What was that!?" Amanda asked in astonishment.

Looking back, her heart and head still pounding, Alex swallowed hard, "I don't know- but Chick and Maddy... are really starting to scare me."

Whoa- what do you think Chick and Maddy are up to? Also, library are the best!

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