Chapter 6: Our First Real Single!

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        Later that we got an email saying:

To: , , and      


Date: May 3rd, 2014


      Dear the members of ‘Unforgettable Madness”,

      This is Samantha Gurbber and I am writing to with amazing news. Your first single is going to be released tomarrow, Friday May 4th, 2014 at 4:00 on iTunes and am proud to say that it turned out amazing. Also, I would like you girls to come back to New York City for the weekend of Friday May 18th, all expenses cared for again, to talk abut doing a music video for your first single. If you are interested, please email me back at this email address. Thank you so much and I am very proud of you guys. Thanks for all your hard work.

      Your Manager,

      Samantha Gurbber = )

      “OH MY GOD!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, after reading the email form Samantha. And that made my mom come running in thinking something was wrong.

      “What?!!! What’s wrong Jessie??” My mom said panicking.

      “Nothing.. Just my bands dream coming true in the blink of an eye.” I said smiling at my laptop.

      “What is it now?” My mother question.

      “Well, first of all, ‘Unforgettable Madness’ has their FIRST REAL SINGLE coming out TOMRROW!!!” I yelled.

      “That’s awesome, honey!!” My mom smiled. “What song is it?”

      “Remember that song that I wrote for a dance we proformed at called ‘Now or Never’??” I questioned.

      “Yeah, of course, I liked that one… Now or neverrrrr….” My mom sang.

      “Yeah, well, that’s the single!!”

      “Awww!!! Honey, that’s awesome!!” My mom said while hugging me.

      “and on May 18th, a Friday, Samantha wants us to go back to the city  to tlk about a music video for that song!!!”

      “Oh my gosh, Jessie that’s great!!!” My mom said.

      “So, does that mean I could go??” I said happily.

      “I don’t know honey… Back to the city??” My mom asked.

      “Yes, come on mom, Samantha said that she would pay for everything again, just like last time. Pleaseee???!!!” I begged.

      “Alright, You can go, but you either have to get your homeworkz done before you go or take it with you. I don’t want you to fall behind on your school work because of all this.” My mom said.

      “Trust me I won’t.. Thank you, thank you, thank you mom!!! I love you!!!!” I said jumping up and hugging her big.

      (On Twitter)

@RockNRollRecords: “The first single ‘Now or Never’ by the new band Unforgettable Madness is coming out tomorrow, May 4th, at 4:00 p.m. on iTunes. Get ready for the madness!

@JessieMcNullty13: Joint the Madness! Our first single hits iTunes tomorrow at 4 p.m. It will me be unforgettable!!


@NellyJackson: Unforgettable Madness’s first single hits iTunes tomorrow at four!! #GoAndGetIt

@MollyM15: Go and get your credit cards and laptops ready!! Unforgettable Madness’s first, brand new, single it iTunes tomorrow!! #YouWillWantIt


We did go to school the next day, as told to do so by our parents, and nobody knew about anything, yet, until Sam said that we could premote the song. So, we went to the first three periods and got through them, no problem… And then came lunch… We were mobbed!

  “OH MY GOD!! Is what I read on Twitter true?” Kelly Kellter asked.

  “Did your band really get signed by a major record label?” John Thompson begged to know.

  “What was it like recording in a…” Katie was cut off,

  “What is the song about” Jake Johnson asked.

“Are you making a video for the new song in the near future?” Some random tenth grader asked.

  “OKAY EVERYONE!!! THAT’S ENOUGH!! BACK UP FROM THE GIRLS!” Mrs, Seller, one of the lunch aids said.

  “Thank you…” Nelly mumbled to us.

  “Good lord!” Molly added.

  “I know…” I agreed.

Some innocent little ninth grader, who was suppose to be in study hall, came running up to us in the lunch room and said “Could I please, please have you autographs. I have heard you guys play before and I know that with your new single coming out you girls are going to be famous, so… Could I have your autographs?

  “Uhhh… Sure.” I said shocked.

  “Of course.” Molly said signing her name after me.

  “Yeah!” Nelly smiled and signing her name on the paper last.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” The freshman said exitedly, hugging all of us. “I love you guys!!” She said before she left.

  “Okay, That did not just happen” Nelly said shocked like the rest of us…




@RockNRollRecords: Unforgettable Madness’s newest single is already number 30 on the iTunes top 50 hits charts. You guys love it. Keep buying it and tell everyone you know!

(Text Messages)

Jess: OH. MY. GOD! ‘Now or Never is already number 30 on iTunes!!!

Nelly: I know I just saw that!!

Molly: OH MY WORD!!!! I can’t freaking believe it… THEY LOVE IT!!!!






@RockNRollRecords: The fans of Unforgettable Madness has now made ‘Now or Never NUMBER ONE on the iTunes charts!! There is more Madness where that came from.

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