Chapter 3: New York City here we come!!

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        I woke up and it was finally April 25th, other wise known as the day all my dreams come true. I up at 8:30, went to the gym, came home and showered, and by that time it was time to meet the girls at the train. 

      When we got to the city, it was completely crazy. “She said that the building was on the corner of 18th and 23rd.” I said referring to the email that I got with all the details that we needed to know.

      “I think 188th is…” Mom was cut off by Steph.

      “Mom, I want a hotdog!!” she was complaining about her being hungry the whole hour and a half train ride.  But, I didn’t complain because she could have said that she didn’t want to give up her once a year to go out to eat.

      “Okay honey, I will get you a hotdog after the girls meeting. It is 3:30 already and she can’t be late. And them we will go the American Girl Doll store. Okay?”

      “Fine!” she muttered.

      We found out that the company’s building was about 23 blocks form where we were. We literally had to spring there in fifteen minutes. We bolted.

      We finally got there and stood outside the door for a second. Me and the girls held hands for a second.

      “This is it.” I said excited.

      “Right through those doors are where our dreams are going to come true.” Nelly added.

      “As soon as we walk in there all out hard work will be paid off.” Molly included.

      We took a deep breath, my mom opened the door, and we walked in, and within five minutes of us waiting we were called back. Stephanie stayed back in the waiting room.


      “Hi, you must be “Unforgettable Madness” someone who must be Ms. Samantha Gurbber said.

      “Yes, I am Jessica McNullty, and that’s Nelly Jackson, and Molly McDonald. You must be Ms. Gurbber.” I said nervously.

      “That’s me, but please, call me Sam.”

      “So I wanted to talk to you girls about possibly signing a record deal with Rock-n-Roll Records. Would girls have an interest in doing that?” Sam questioned.

      “Uhm, I think so…” I said speaking for all three off us while the girls nodded in agreement.

      “Good. This is just a basic contract. It is basically saying that we heard your demos and we think that you might have potential for—“

      “A new album?” Nelly shouted.

      “Going on tours??” Molly added.

      “Fame!!!” I said louder then I meant to.

With seeing those three words and farces we knew that we were set to sign this thing!

      “Yes.” Samantha laughed.

      “For 30,000 dollars?!!” Nelly screamed.

      “30,000 dollars?!!! You guys are still in high school!” Mrs. Jackson said.

      “Yes, so now that we have read and reviewed the contracts, here are some pens to sign it with. By the looks on your faces you want this just as much as I want to give it you. Am I right?” Ms. Gurbber confirmed.

      The three of us grabbed the pens of the table and signed and inistialed everywhere aproprate while the mom’s discussed it between the three of them.

      “Okay girls, we have came to an agreement that I think would make everyone happy.”

      “Yes?!” we all said excitedly.

      “You girls can do this if you promise to keep your grades up to at least a C plus to a B minus average, You girls know that education comes before music, right?

      “YES!!!” We said shoving the pens and contracts in there faces begging for them to sign them now!!!

      “Alright, now that we got that squared away, are you girls ready to start recording, tomorrow??”

      “What?!! Tomorrow?!! Yes!!!!” Me and Molly said together.

      “Great, so we will see you first thing tomorrow morning at about 8 o’clock to about 8:30 to start.”

      “Yes thank you!” We said shaking everyone’s hands and heading back out to my sister.

      “Well, that was quicker then I thought.. How did it go?”

      We explained everything and to her, she gave us hugs and that proceeded to say “Okay, lets eat!!” everyone busted out in laughter.

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