Chapter 4: Recording- Day 1:

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        Last night we ate ands shopped in the city being too excited to concentrate and rented a couple hotel rooms, me and the girls shared one, mom and my sister shared another one, and Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Jackson shared another one.


      The next morning me and the girls couldn’t sleep because of the excitement, so we got up at about 5 in the morning and went to the hotel’s gym for about 45 minutes and then we ran back up to our rooms showered and cleaned up really fast, said good by to our mother’s and started off to the recorded company.

      When we got there it was exatly 2 minutes to 8 o’clock and we were like JUST in time. We walked in to find Samantha waiting for us.

      “Good. You girls just made it.”

      “Hi!” we said fixing our hair.

      “You could follow me girls.” Sam said. I liked her, she seemed nice and I think me and the girls were excited to meet her.

      She showed us to the recording studio on the 6th floor. “Okay girls, today we are going to be in room 12. Now, don’t forget you guys won’t always record in this room. I will tell you the night before in an email or I will call you to tell you your guys next recording session is and what room you will be in, but that is just useless information. Anyways, I saw that you girls write your own songs which is awesome, so for the first half hour or so I am going to have you guys record two of your own songs and one that we had professionals write for you, alright?”

      “Alright” I said.

      “Go ahead in and we will get started.

      We decided to sing ‘My Love is Your Love’ and ‘Forget About Us’ as ours songs and the songs that she gave us to sing was called ‘Lend Me Your Upper Hand’, We after we got done, we left the recording booth and then played them back.

      “Excellent. You girls nailed it!”

      “Thank you” I said putting my guitar down.      

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