Stay Alive (Reprise)

Start from the beginning

    Natsu couldn't hear what he was believing. She was his sister and she was strong and stubborn. She would make it through. He had faith in her. He still gulped nervously, "Can I see her please?" he asked urgently.

    The doctor nodded and led him slowly over to the dirty blonde's bedside. "I'm doing everything I can, but the wound was already infected when she arrived," the doctor explained.

    Running a hand through his wild pink hair, his onyx orbs scanned over the weak girl's body, she was barely conscious. He had never seen her look so helpless and it pained him. "Haylee..." he whispered.

    The neko slowly opened her eyes and glanced at her brother before mustering up a pain filled smile. "Hi Natsu," she whispered. Her voice was low and raspy, he could hear the pain and sadness in her voice which caused his heart to break.

    "Bro... I did exactly as you said, bro. I held my head up high as we went into battle," She rasped out, looking up at the ceiling with a melancholy smile on her lips.

    Natsu gave her a smile and lightly stroked her head. "I know, I know. Shh. I know, I know." he said. He did want to hear her talk to him, knowing that it meant she was still alive, but he also knew that every word that left her, slowly sapped her strength. The strength she needed to survive. "Shh. I know you did everything just right." he praised.

    Haylee let out a light chuckle and a purr rumbled in her throat. "Even before we got to ten, I was aiming for the sky."

I know, I know
I know, I know (I was aiming for the sky)
I know

    The half blinded girl looked her brother in the eyes, she was no longer smiling. "Bro bro... I'm scared," she whispered and a few tears fell out of her eyes. "I don't want to die. Do you think I'll be able to survive?" she asked, her ears pinning back against her head. Her eye was a light orange, showing her fear.

    "Haylee, you're one of the strongest and most stubborn people I know. You're up there with Erza and Neko," he said, giving her a hope filled smile, "you can do it, just save your strength and stay alive..."

    He was no longer sure if he was trying to reassure her or himself.

    Without warning, the door flung open and there stood a medium sized figure with wild pink hair and even wilder red eyes. As soon as those eyes landed on the bed ridden girl a yell escaped her pink lips. "No!"

    Natsu quickly turned his head with wide eyes to see his second sister. "Neko..." he said softly.

    "Is she breathing? Is she going to survive this?" Neko asked quickly with hot tears pouring down her cheeks as she rushed over to her sister's bedside and gently took her younger sister's hand.

Stay alive...

The pink haired girl whipped her head towards her brother and rubies clashed with onyx. "Who did this, Natsu, did you know?" she asked desperately, gripping onto her sister's hand.

As soon as she had gotten the news that her sister had been injured, she dropped what she was doing and ran to the hospital as quickly as possible. The thought of her sister dying put a weight on her chest, one she feared that she would be unable to remove.

    Haylee feebly turned her head towards the red eyed girl and more tears streamed down her face. "Sis, I'm so sorry for forgetting what you taught me," she whispered. Memories of Neko teacher her how to fire a gun and use different weapons flashed through her mind, one after another. It was like watching a movie of her life.

    Neko's heart broke and she gently pet her sister's ears. "My little sissy... " she whispered, the same memories moving through her mind.

"We trained together," the dirty blonde whispered, giving her sister's hand a small squeeze.

The pinkette smiled weakly, "I taught you how to fight,"

"You would put your hands on mine."

"You changed the target every time," Neko said with a light laugh, remembering all of the shooting competitions that the two sisters would have.

    Haylee chuckled lightly as well, "Ha, I would always miss the spot."

    Neko continued to rub her sister's head and she bit her lip to hold back a sob. "Shh. I know, I know." She whispered, wanting her sister to keep holding onto her remaining strength. She didn't want... no. She couldn't lose her.

    The short haired neko felt her body growing lighter and the corners of her vision began growing fuzzy. "I would always miss the spot..." she repeated and her breathing grew a bit heavier.

    Neko noticed her sister growing faint and she gripped her hand a bit tighter, begging her sister to stay with them. "Shhh sissy. I know, I know."

    "Remember when you began t... teaching me how to say numbers in french? Can... can we go over them again?" Haylee whispered to her sister, her hand slowly going slack in her sister's.

    Neko's ears pinned back, but she nodded her head. "O-of course. Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf." the pinkette listed these numbers and waited for her sister's sweet voice to repeat them. She then gave her sister a smile and nodded her head. "Good job sissy. Again. "Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept..." the pinkette trailed off when she saw Haylee's eyes beginning to close.

    "Un deux trois..." Was all the dirty blonde managed to get out before her body went still. There was a shrill beep and many doctors rushed into the room, pushing all of the visitors out of the room.

    "Huit neuf... Sept huit neuf. Sept huit..." Neko repeated over and over to herself while clutching onto the front of her shirt where her heart was.

    A tall doctor with short green hair soon walked out with a sympathetic expression. "I'm so sorry. We could not save her in time. Haylee Rosier Dragneel... is no longer with us."

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