Rain, Rain, Rain

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My emotions spill out like the sky on a very cloudy day.
I haven't been touched in a manner so lightly and carefully lately.
Last night I yearned for the sensual touch of my lover but I was sadly denied.
I like the rain because it's make everything wet just like my tears after I see you.
I'm gradually hurting inside like the raging storm.
No one sees it. I thought someone did. But no. Nothing.
I want it to rain right now. I wanna sit on the fresh cut grass and look at the sad clouds. I wanna drown in the rain.
Lie to me to make the droplets fall harder.




"I-I love you."

Lie to me again.

"I wanna be with you."

Fucking lie to me again.

"I will stay."

I'm just your distraction in this race. Let it all fall on me. Make me drenched in pain. But for now,
just let it

Rain, Rain, Rain.

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