H o m e c o m i n g

891 22 0

Sean POV

Mom's car on the way to the dance

"I'm starving!" Kaycee said which was normal as despite being small she likes to eat a lot but honestly I can't blame her, we had a shorten lunch thanks to Bailey and haven't ate since

"What about the candy the boys got?" Bailey said as the migos got a bunch of candy at a convenience store before we got to Kaycee's house

"It only made me hungrier for real food!" Kaycee whined

Josh who was sitting in the front motioned towards me "What should we do? Apparently Tahani and Julian are hungry too" Josh said to me who has been texting them

"I guess we can go out to eat?" I suggested

"Yeah but by the time we get to the dance it will be almost 9, how long do you plan on actually being there?" Josh said

Good point the dance is important but I know no one wants to go the rest of the day without eating "We'll have to see once we get there"

"We're here!" My mom announced as we could already hear the music from the inside

"Okay thanks mom!" I said as we all got out the car with me and Josh helping Kaycee and Bailey of course, with Tati's mom car right behind us and that half getting out as well

"Have fun!" my mom said speeding off not in a hurry but just because she can

"You ready bae?" I said to Kaycee as we all unknowingly got next to our dates in a line

"Ready as I'll ever be" she said as we begun the checkin process

We all made it in okay and walked into the quickly decorated gym,  so shout out to the homecoming committee they even got rid of the smell of a bunch of smelly boy teenagers that was only here a few hours ago

"Oh look its Sean Lew"

"Its Julian!"

"Good shot Sean"

So many people seemed to recognize us from the game and congratulating us as we made our way through the gym to a spot where we could relax at

Me and Kaycee made our way to the snack table as I see the others go somewhere else

"Let's give it up to our boys basketball team starters" The DJ said as everyone took there time to applaud us "Jason Hancock, Leon Burns, Josh Price, Julian Deguzman and taking the game winning shot Sean Lew!!"

Everyone started cheering and clapping and Kaycee cheering and clapping very loud next to me only embarrassing me and I could tell Josh and Julian weren't used to this amount of praise as Jay and Leon just soaked it all in

"Thanks everyone, couldn't have done it without all you cheering us on!" Julian said into a nearby microphone as our captain "Now let's enjoy this homecoming so we can get ready for the upcoming tournament!"

And the day continued as it should have with everyone enjoying themselves

"Care to dance with me Kaycee Rice?"

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