Chapter 8

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"OK, I'll see you after school Mia! Be good, be safe, don't piss anyone off too much." Calum chuckled, engulfing me in a hug as he dropped me off at school. Monday arrived way too early for my liking. 

"Thanks, Calum, see you." I climbed out of the car slowly, walking to what I assumed was the front desk to hopefully get my schedule. 

I walked with my head down, gripping onto the straps of my backpack so hard that my knuckles turned white. I found my way to the front desk, asking the older women sitting at her desk if I could get my class schedule. 

"Of course sweetie, your name?" The lady stroked a few keys on her keyboard, looking at me for an answer. 

"Mia Hood."

"Ah, the new girl! Welcome to West Chesterville Mia." As the lady pulled up my schedule I looked at the students passing by. Seeing most of all the other girls dressed up, my simple ripped blue jean shorts and a black tank top with a flannel layered over it all of a sudden seemed very plain. 

"Here you go hon, your locker is number 492 on the second level up the stairs. First bell rings in ten minutes, second bell three minutes after that." The secretary handed me a sheet of paper with my schedule, and I tugged my sleeve down as I saw her eyes find the fresh scars on my wrist.

"Thanks," I mutter, turning away and keeping my eyes out for a staircase. This place was huge, I knew I was going to get lost right away. 

Turning a corner I saw a big staircase, students flowing up and down the incline like a flowing river. Circles of kids sat in groups on the edge, laughing at jokes or working on homework. The laughter almost made me sick to my stomach. 

I found my locker eventually, stuffing my backpack in. The lockers surrounding mine had already been decorated with athletic numbers and such. Mine was completely bare.  I still hadn't bumped into Roman, which  I suppose was a good thing. First bell rang, and I swore under my breath. 

I looked at the schedule in my hand, reading the first period as Math, room 259 with Ms.Hall.  I gathered my stuff, taking my time to the class and getting lost two times. 

Finally reaching room 259 I walked through the open door and into the classroom full of about 20 students. The teacher was a young woman, looking up from her position at the front of the room teaching the lesson on a dry-erase whiteboard. 

"Um, I'm new," I explained, standing awkwardly with the feel of many eyes staring at me. I tried my best to ignore them and only look at Ms. Hall. 

"You must be Mia Hood. You can take a seat by Cammy. Don't be late to my class again, Ms. Hood. " Ms.Hall sends me a pointed glance, nodding towards a girl sitting in the back wearing a 5 Seconds of Summer hoodie. Oh great. 

I took my time walking to the empty seat, setting my things down a little heavier than needed as I sat down. Before paying attention to Ms.Hall and the lesson, I took another glance at Cammy. She wore black-rimmed glasses, a 5sos hoodie, had fiery red hair with dull green eyes, and a wide smile. 

I took out a notebook and started copying all the notes down from the board. I did want to do well in school, and studying was better than sitting there for an hour doing nothing since I couldn't be on my phone. As I finished a page of notes, a piece of paper floated onto my desk. 

I looked at Cammy, mouthing 'Read it!' I unfolded the paper, reading the small message and internally scoffing. It said, "By chance, are you the Mia Hood? Adopted by 5sos?" 

Of course. What should I have expected? I wrote back "Who is 5sos?" No way was I going to be known as adopted by 5sos. 

"Well, I guess you aren't the Mia Hood. 5sos is a really cool band" The note read, and I nodded before taking my attention back towards the lesson. The rest of the class dragged on, Ms. Hall giving us an assignment before the bell rang dismissing us. 

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