Chapter sixteen

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Andy cleared his throat. “HEY CHUPPY” he said loudly to CC. “Huh what?” he snapped awake. “You might put on some clothes” Andy winked to him.

CC looked to his own –naked- body, and then he saw a –naked- Jake laying next to him. “Oh my-I’m sorry guys” CC blushed.  “It’s okay, but next time, try to keep it quiet.” Andy winked to CC. CC blushed more and woke up Jake softly. Who instantly started blushing too. “Oh my god, baby did we… have sex?” Jake asked bluntly. CC blushed and nodded.

“Andy and Ash here told we were enjoying it” he said pointing at us. “Oh god, this is so embarrassing” Jake blushed. We’d all seen each other naked, probably more than once, but this time I agreed with Jake, this was embarrassing.

I thought it was kind of funny.  Andy and I just chuckled and walked off to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. When we came back, Andy with cornflakes and I with an apple, Jake and CC lay –still naked- at the couch, kissing each other passionate. “Awe, so cute” Andy cooed. I smiled to them. They broke apart and looked at us. “Sorry, we’ll dress ourselves now, you two have to eat” CC said and stuck his tongue out. Then he quickly pecked Jake on the lips and they disappeared to the bedroom to dress their selves.

When I hate half of my apple I was already full. I asked Andy if he wanted the other half of my apple, but I forgot he didn’t like apples. Andy was taller than I. I liked that. Then I could snuggle up in his lap and he could hold me like a child. Though I’m twenty fucking eight I like that.

“Um… baby?” I asked when I checked my twitter. “Yeah Hun?” “What is Andley?” I asked. “Dunno, Google it” Andy smiled. I googled ‘Andley’ and came up with all dirty sex stories about me and Andy. “Fuck” I said. “What? What is it?” He asked. “Andy, Ashley, Andley” I said slowly. Andy caught the connection. “They know…” I whispered. “Everyone knows” a tear slid down over my face. If my dad will find out I’m gay, he’ll kill me. “Baby” Andy whispered and pulled me on his lap “how?” he asked quietly. I showed Kina’s tweet.

Then I also saw a tweet about Jake and CC dating. I just cried. Andy got Jake and CC in the living room too, dressed this time. When CC read the tweet he ran to his bedroom and locked the door. We could all hear him cry. “CC, baby, what’s going on?” Jake asked softly as he stood in front of the closed door. “Nothing” CC cried. CC doesn’t cry because of nothing. He only cries when there’s something that really bothers him. He’s always such an optimistic guy, so when he’s crying, there’s something important going on.

After an hour of trying he finally let himself out of his bedroom and plopped down on the couch. “M-My dad” he sobbed. “H-he hates gay people, he’ll kill me, Jake I’m so afraid” he sobbed in Jake’s chest. It really broke my heart to see him like this. Jake just stroked his long, black hair, willing him to continue his explanation. “M-my dad used to beat me up. Once he broke my ribs and my leg” CC choked out. Jake hugged him tight, with tears in his eyes. “Oh honey” he whispered and clutched CC tighter to his chest.

Someone rang the door bell. That must be Jinxx and Sammi. I opened the door to find my father standing there. “YOU GOD DAMN FAG!” he screamed. I tried to close the door again but I was too late and he stormed in to find CC crying on Jake’s lap. “I TOLD YOU ASHLEY, YOU ARE A WORTHLESS FAG!” my dad screamed. I just started crying again. “I-I’m sorry” I whispered. I was really afraid now. “YOU’RE SORRY?!” he screamed. I just nodded carefully.

“YOU DON’T EVEN MEAN THAT MOTHERFUCKER” my dad screamed. “AND I SEE YOU’RE STILL SUCH AN UGLY, FAT FAG!” He screamed mad. Then Andy stood up “I’m sorry Mr. Purdy, but he isn’t fat and ugly” Andy said. Not a smart move baby. “YOU MOTHERFUCKER SHUT UP” My dad screamed and hit Andy right in the face. Andy directly shut up and sat down at the couch again. “AND YOU ASHLEY PURDY. I TOLD YOU, YOU AREN’T EVEN WORTH LIVING, YOU’RE WORTHLESS!” he screamed. I just cried.

“STOP CRYING BITCH” he yelled. I tried to, I really tried, I tried so hard not to cry. But I just couldn’t stop it. He hit me in my face “EMO!” and another time “FAG!” he kicked me in the stomach “WHORE!” another in the stomach “CHEATER”. I just cried and threw up. When I threw up over my dad’s feet, he kicked me in the face and then left “I HOPE YOU DIE SOON!” he screamed.

I just lay there half numb on the floor. Crying like an idiot. Andy, Jake and CC hurried to me, cleaning up my vomit and cleaning up my face. I carefully stood up with Andy’s help but directly cracked through my legs again. Andy lay me down on the couch.

Jinxx and Sammi called by five minutes later. I still lay crying on the couch. The only thing I could think of was a sharp blade cutting into my arm, blood welling up from the cuts, that feeling of pain. I just needed it. “Oh my god, Ashley, what happened to your face?” Sammi asked shocked. “Nothing” I cried.

Suddenly Andy got a call, he sounded disappointed, almost… hurt. “Hi, what?” he said. “No, that can’t be true” he whispered. “O-okay” he stuttered and then he hung up. Five seconds later he got a text message. When he saw it he dropped his phone and ran to the bathroom, to lock himself there. We could hear his sobs in the living room. “I’ll go after him” I said.

“Andy?” I knocked on the door. “LEAVE ASSHOLE!” He yelled. “W-what?” I asked afraid. “GO AWAY YOU CHEATER!” I was shocked, I didn’t cheat on him? “Andy, baby” I said. “GO AWAY, I’M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!” He yelled. I felt tears forming in my eyes again.

It didn’t take long before hot tears were streaming down my cheeks. “I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!” he yelled.

I couldn’t take it anymore and went back to the living room. I picked up his phone and then saw a picture of me and Kina kissing at the Starbucks. Well, I didn’t kiss her back, I was trying to push her off of me. With my hands on her boobs. Fuck it. “Ashley, are you okay?” Sammi asked. “No!” I cried and buried my face in a pillow which was laying on the couch. “Shh… what’s going on?” She asked and rubbed her hand over my back .

“A-Andy broke up with me” I cried. “What?” CC asked and sat down next to me. I sat up. “He broke up wi-with me” I sobbed. CC put his arm around me “why?” he asked softly. I showed him picture. “Ashley” he said. “I-it isn’t what you think” I sobbed. “I did nothing, I swear I tried to push her away” I sobbed.

Andy appeared again and grabbed the phone out of my hands “HANDS OFF BITCH” he yelled. I felt more tears coming up. Andy stormed off to the bathroom again. Within a few minutes my phone bleeped. A new tweet. @AndyBVB; how the hell could you do this? @AshleyPurdy

I just cried harder. Within ten minutes someone rang the doorbell. CC opened up and Scout stormed in. Scout is Andy’s ex. She stormed right through to the bathroom, where Andy was. After fifteen minutes they both came to the living room. They sat down at the chair at the opposite of me and CC. “How the hell could you do this to me Ashley?!” Andy screamed crying.

“I did not Andy! She kissed me and I pushed her away!” I cried back. “Bullshit” he whispered. He looked up to me with tear filled eyes. “I thought you loved me Ashley, but I think I was wrong.” He whispered.

Then Scout started to talk. “Ashley fucking Purdy, how could you do this, don’t you see how much this hurts him? Are you really that blind asshole?” she spat. “I didn’t kiss her back” I whispered. “Yeah, but you saw where your hands were, man whore”.

“Why does every god damn person on this earth think I’m a whore?” I shouted. “MAYBE BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE” Scout screamed back. “We’re better off without you” Andy whispered under his breath. But I heard him. He just told me to go ahead and kill myself.

“Well GOD DAMNIT!” I screamed crying. “Do you all really think I did this because Kina said such nice things to me?” I showed the bloody string around my neck. “You never know with you, Purdy, you’re such an attention freak, with your cuts and stuff.” Scout said. I just stormed off to the bedroom and buried my face in my pillow. I screamed until I had no voice left anymore.

I will try to fix you (Andley)Where stories live. Discover now