Chapter twenty seven

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At first we dropped down on the couch, cuddling up against each other. It was freezing outside, even though it’d already been winter. I lay in Andy’s arms. I kissed his lips softly “I love you” I whispered. “I love you too” he whispered back. I snuggled up in his arms a little more and laying like that we drifted off to sleep.

The next morning we woke up and I decided to call my little sister, Ella. I really loved her, and I hadn’t spoken her in almost three months. I dialed her number and waited until she picked up her phone. “Ashley?” she asked. “Hey Ella” I said. “Hey” she replied. “What are you doing right now?” I asked. “Dunno, I’m somewhere in LA now, trying to get a place to stay the night” she sighed. My little sister is a photographer so she’s travelling a lot.

I quickly asked Andy if Ella could have a stay over this night. “You can stay here if you want, with me and Andy?” I asked her, “No costs” I said. “Really?” she asked. “Hmh” I answered. “Oh thank you so much Ash, you’re the best big brother ever, where do you live anyways?” she asked weirdly. I told her where Andy and I lived and then Ella and I said goodbye and hung up the phone.

“She’ll be here at three pm” I said, I looked at the clock, it was twelve am. Andy smiled; “You’re the best big brother and the best boyfriend” Andy said and hugged me tight. I hugged him back, “thank you Andy” I said. “You’re the perfect boyfriend” I kissed him deeply. We both broke apart for air as we rested our foreheads against each other’s.

I yawned an Andy made himself some breakfast. I wasn’t hungry. He ate it as we watched Sky News on television. Then we quickly cleaned the house and made a bed for Ella. There was still only one bedroom, so Ella had to sleep at the mattress and Andy and I would sleep in Andy’s bed. Just like we did the past month.

A few minutes before three o’clock the doorbell rang. I opened up and saw my little baby sister standing there, damn, she was beautiful. I hugged her tight “Hey Ella” I whispered. “Hi Ash” she said. “You look beautiful” I said. “Thanks”.

Andy walked over to Ella and hugged her too. “Hey Andy” she said. “Hey Ella” he replied.

We put Ella’s stuff in the bedroom and then sat down at the couch, talking about what happened since the last time we saw each other. “Why are you sitting at Andy’s lap?” Ella asked suddenly. “Because-wait. Did you check twitter?” I asked. She nodded “Nope, I deleted my account” she said. “Well, he’s my boyfriend” I said weirdly. “Really?” Ella asked. I nodded. “I knew it… I knew it” she said happily. “What did you know?” Andy asked. “That you two would end up together… I knew it” Ella said happily. “Why?” I asked laughing.

“Because you and Andy were always really close to each other and every time your eyes caught each other one of you, or both of you blushed and I kinda figured from the rumors” she grinned.

“How’s dad by the way?” Ella asked carefully. This was the subject that I wasn’t really comfortable with, especially not with Andy around. Not that it’s him or that he isn’t allowed to know, but this gets really personal for me. He saw it and stood up “I’ll make us some coffee” he said. Ella and I nodded and Andy walked off.

“He… he stormed in a week ago and he hurt me really bad because of the fact that I’m gay” I sighed and swallowed back tears. Ella hugged me tight “Owh Ashley” she said and cuddled up against me. “I know… but I’m okay…” I said. “D-did he hurt you lately?” I asked carefully. She nodded “no, he only threat me a few times, but I’m okay with that I guess…”

“He’s not the daddy anymore who I knew when mommy was still here” I sighed and clutched Ella against my chest. We both started crying silently. Andy appeared in the opening of the door and watched us for a few seconds. Then he saw we were crying and slowly walked over to us. He sat down next to me and let out a soft sigh, tears welling up in his eyes.

“Baby are you okay?” I asked. He nodded “I’m fine” he said and swallowed hard. I just kissed his cheek and hugged him tight.

When we came to our senses again, Andy handed us a cup of coffee. “Thank you baby” I said and kissed him softly on the lips. “Naw you’re so cute together” Ella cooed. Andy and I just smiled at her.

After we drunk some coffee and talked more, Andy cleared his throat. “I’m hungry” he said. “Me too” Ella said, “And you Ashy?” she asked. “Me too” I said, I just couldn’t say I wasn’t hungry, if Ella would find out I was having an eating disorder, it would break her heart, and I don’t want to break the heart of my little baby sister.

“Taco Time!” Andy yelled laughing. Ella and I started laughing too. Andy’s face was just hilarious. And speaking of tacos; its Ella’s favorite food, and mine too, so why not? One taco couldn’t hurt, right?

Andy ordered us some tacos and put on Batman. Andy and Ella both snuggled up against me and we watched Batman while waiting for the tacos. It was really comfy. I sat there with the two people I trust the most; my little sister and my boyfriend. Nothing could ruin this evening anymore, at least; I thought.

The doorbell rang and there stood a crying CC. “CC buddy what happened?  I asked shocked and hugged him tight. “I-I can’t take it anymore” he sobbed. “Shh…” I rubbed my hand over his back. “Shh… come in buddy” I said softly and he walked over to the couch. When he saw Ella sitting there he directly apologized “Sorry for seeing me like this” he sobbed. “Never mind” Ella said and she went to the bedroom so Andy and I could talk with CC. CC sat sobbing on the couch.

“What happened buddy?” Andy asked softly. CC took a deep breath, “I-I was at a bar with J-Jake and-and then” he broke down again. “T-then I-I came across my dad and he caught me kissing Jake” CC sobbed. I hugged CC tight. “H-he said he’d never wanted to see me again and that he hoped I’d go to hell” he sobbed.

We calmed down CC and said everything would be okay. I went to Ella for a minute or five, apologizing that our film night was kinda ruined, but she said she understood. She made us all a cup of tea and then the taco delivery guy came. We all ate some tacos, well I only ate one bite, but right.

We watched Batman and after the film CC went home again.

“Where are you going tomorrow?” I asked Ella. “Here in LA, I’ve been asked to photograph some weddings” she said. “Can you show us some of you photos?” Andy asked. Ella nodded shyly. She took her laptop and showed us photos from the last wedding. “Wow” I said “Ella, you’re really good in doing this” I said smiling. “Thank you” she blushed. I kissed her cheek. I love her.

“I’m going to get some sleep” Ella said at eleven pm. “Me too” Andy and I said in union. We all changed our clothes and then lay down in bed. Ella at the mattress and me and Andy in his bed. We whispered for a little while and then drifted off to sleep.

The next morning we woke up, took a shower and ate some breakfast. Then Ella had to go. She packed all her stuff and hugged me tight, “Bye Ashy, I’ll see you soon” she whispered. I blinked back some tears, saying goodbye hurt. Then she hugged Andy, “Bye Andy” she said. “Are you sure I don’t have to bring you?” I asked. “Yeah it’s fine Ash, I’ll walk, it’s like one kilometer from here, it’s not that far” she smiled. “Okay” I said and smiled back.

She waved at us as she left the house. I looked out of the window as she crossed the street. Then there came a truck. “Ella!” I yelled, but she didn’t hear me. The truck hit her and she crashed down at the street. Andy and I immediately ran to the street and I started crying. Andy called 911 and within five minutes there arrived an ambulance.  “We’ll drive after it to the hospital” Andy said and put me in his car. I was numb, just numb, I didn’t really realize what just happened. 

I will try to fix you (Andley)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ