Chapter 13 - The End Of A.D.

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It was now just moments later after the yacht had been blown up whilst Melissa was on it. Spencer was still in the water, so she screamed and swam back out into the ocean where the yacht blew up. She was calling Melissa's name whilst the girls were calling Spencer's to come back to the bay. Once Spencer had looked down, she saw Melissa's body floating to the bottom of the ocean and so she swam down to try to save her,

"OMG, Spencer." shouted Hanna 

All of the girls were screaming Spencer's name but they were still out of breath from swimming back from the ocean. All the girls waited in anticipation to see when or if Spencer would come back up. They waited, and waited, and waited until finally they heard the sound of Spencer's voice yelling,


CeCe got back into the rowing boat, went to save Melissa and Spencer and brought the back to the bay. Spencer put Melissa down gently and tried to wake her up but there was no sign of her waking up any time soon. CeCe called 911 and told them that they had an emergency, because Melissa wasn't moving nor breathing.

"Guys, we have to go and leave Melissa here. If the cops find Mona here, we are all going to be in trouble because remember, she was meant to be in jail but she escaped" says CeCe 

"I am not leaving my sister here. Alone."

"Spencer, there is no time for this. Please, let's just go and we will go to the hospital where she is once we are all cleaned up and rest for a bit. She is at Saint Anne's hospital so we'll go there after."

"Hanna, she might die. I am not--"

"Please Spencer, we'll go back and visit her. Trust me, she will be fine. I promise." Alison said in a scared tone.

So Spencer got up and all of the girls got into CeCe's van and drove back to the hotel. 

{A couple of hours later}:

"Okay CeCe, we've cleaned up and relaxed for a bit. Can we go and see my sister now?"

"Wait Spencer, we need to talk to CeCe first."


"Come sit down."

Spencer, Alison, Mona, Aria and Emily all sit down and start talking to CeCe asking her loads of questions,

"Why did you take us there? I thought you were helping us? Did you lie to all of us?"

"Well Emily, I've got some explaining to do to all of you guys."

"Yeah, you have. So go on."

"I've already told you how me, Melissa, Jason & Adlyinn were gonna run Rosewood so i'll skip that part but long story short, I called Melissa after you guys left and told her that you guys trust me and that we'll get rid of Melissa together. That was a lie. Melissa always controlled me, she never let me have any of the ideas on how to do things and sort problems out and I started getting sick of it. So I made Melissa believe that I was still on her side against you guys but in fact I was working with you that was the truth. I left you guys alone on the yacht with her because I set the fire and I knew it was going to happen, so I had a rowboat in the back of the van--"

"You did this? You might've of killed my sister."

Spencer gets up and in anger, charges towards CeCe and slaps her across the face. Mona stands up, grabs Spencer, sits her down and then says,

"I get why you did this Charlotte, to protect us. But Melissa might be dead, she was a sister, wife, mom and daughter."

"Mona, I honestly couldn't care less. I told you guys that I had a plan to get rid of Melissa and that was it."

"Had I known that you were going to set fire to a boat, with us on there, and us nearly drowning in the ocean, I wouldn't of trusted you with this plan of yours."

"You guys, I did this to protect you. For god sakes, she A.D. I could've let you guys drown or even be shot by Melissa then it wouldn't just be more than once dead body that you guys have seen. Just think about it."

All of the girls look at each other, and you could see that in their faces, they were all so happy that CeCe helped them but also confused as to what to believe. After what felt like an eternity of looking at each other, the girls finally decided to trust CeCe and thank her for stepping in and helping them get away from Melissa.

"See, told you guys I had a plan to help get rid of Melissa."

"Speaking of Melissa, can we go and see her now?"

"Fine, lets go and see the wicked witch of the west."

"Wow, thanks Hanna."

"Spencer, come on, she is A.D. she tortured us for years."


All of the girls got into Spencer's car that was parked outside of the hotel and she drove to Saint Anne's hospital. Once they arrived there, it was 4am and all of the girls went inside to the main reception desk,

"Hi, how may I help you ladies today?"

"Well, a patient named Melissa Hastings, my sister, was admitted here a couple hours ago. We were wondering could we possibly see her?"

"Yes of course you can my dear. Let me just check the says here that she is in room 138 and that is on the second floor on the right hand side of the hospital."

"Thank you so much."

"No problem, see you girls later."

Hanna, Spencer, Alison, Emily, Aria, Mona and CeCe all went to room 138 to see how Melissa was doing. They couldn't enter the room as there were 5 doctors in there sorting some stuff out. The girls waited outside for 10 minutes before one of the doctors let them in.

"Hello, my name is Mark and I am Melissa's doctor. I want to let you guys know that we are doing everything we can to save Melissa, but it might take all night. All we have to do now is rely on Melissa to pull through. Do you guys want to come back tomorrow of wait over night?"

All of the girls looked at each other and decided that they will stay over night. So they all go into a room where they can stay the night and they try to get some sleep. It was now 5am and all the girls were called to room 138 by the loud speak at reception. Once they had gotten there, Doctor Mark said,

"Girls, Melissa's burn wounds were really bad and when she was under water, all of the water got into her lungs and she couldn't breathe. Because of how bad the wounds were and how long she was under water, I am so sorry to tell you that Melissa has died..."

All you could hear was the pain and screaming in Spencer's voice.

"Nooooo, Melissa..."

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